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Who’d be a judge?

I've just been reading Ahmed and others v Mahmood and others [2013] EWHC 3176 (QB) (Lawtel only I think) and I'm totally confused. If anyone who was in the case can help, I'd be very grateful. The defendants lived in a property owned by the...

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Accept no substitutes

P v Ealing Borough Council (2013) CA Civ Div 05/11/2013 [Not on Bailii yet. Note on Lawtel] This was Ealing's appeal from a s.204 appeal brought by Ms P. At the s.204 appeal, the Circuit Judge had varied Ealing's review decision that Ms P was...

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Homelessness Appeals and Costs

This is a brief note on a recent High Court appeal dealing with the issue of costs on withdrawn s.204 appeals (Unichi v LB Southwark 16/10/13-from a Lawtel summary, not on Bailii). The Local Authority discharged its duty towards Ms U under...

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Half a Storey is no Storey at All*

News has reached us from RH Environmental of a case in Bristol Magistrates on HMO licensing and the counting of storeys. Unfortunately it is not binding but it is nonetheless interesting. The case involves the licensing status of a two storey...

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Licenced to ill(founded)

Readers might be interested to know that the ECHR has held that the complaint by Mr Pinnock (of Manchester CC v Pinnock fame) is inadmissible as manifestly ill-founded under art.35 (see here). You'll recall that the Supreme Court decided the issue...

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