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Repairing the caselaw on disrepair

I don't think it is unfair to say that disrepair is not always viewed with great enthuiasm by practioners of housing law. So, I am going to plead with you all to stick with this post of mine even though on reflection it is far longer than I would have liked....

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Paragraph 71

One of life's great pleasures is watching a good film with Bill Nighy in it. One of my recent favourites is a film called Page Eight. A housing law blog isn't really the time or the place to review the film (you have the link to imdb if interested), but...

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This is what we always meant

Regular readers of this blog (when it is accessible) will know that we are a housing law blog. However, housing law (for the most part) is covered by the overarching umbrella of civil law and we do therefore occasionally cover the odd important non-housing...

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So Article 8 isn’t always useless then?

Any keen follower of housing law (no laughing for those of you who have stumbled across this blog for the first time; we do exist) will know that the decade long struggle surrounding the admissibility of the Article 8 defence culminated mainly in...

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Basically, we are all…

Associated Electrical Industries Ltd v Alstom UK [2014] EWHC 430 is the latest case to be handed down in the post Jackson/Mitchell dystopian legal world (see here, here and here for our other notes). Andrew Smith J (who you may remember was one of the...

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