Following the Upper Tribunal judgment in SSWP v David Nelson and Fife Council, SSWP v James Nelson and Fife Council [2014] UKUT 0525 (AAC) [our report], the DWP has issued a Circular - HB U6/2014 The thing is that it isn't quite right, in some quite...
Paying it on.
As we head into the holidays and the weather turns cold, it is about the time that we usually make a pointed suggestion. We do what we do on this site for free. No payment is received from any source. (And also Tessa Shepperson rather wonderfully provides...
The elephant in the bedroom
Finally, the long awaited Upper Tribunal decision on room size and the bedroom tax has been released. A copy of the decision can be downloaded here. SSWP v David Nelson and Fife Council, SSWP v James Nelson and Fife Council [2014] UKUT 0525 (AAC) And the...
How much?! Damages for unlawfully evicted secure tenants
Loveridge v London Borough of Lambeth [2014] UKSC 65 So, if a local authority unlawfully evicts a secure tenant (and yes, it happens) what should the measure of damages be? Under s.27 and s.28 Housing Act 1988, damages fall to be assessed under a valuation...
Southwark: Not appealing
It is not unknown for losing parties in a case to not be happy, indeed very upset. There are two basic options. To shut up and put up with it, or appeal. Rather unusually, faced with one of the most coruscating High Court judgments I can recall, in AA V LB...
Monk silenced
Sims v Dacorum Borough Council [2014] UKSC 63 If there is a positive to take from this, it is that it is a Supreme Court judgment that won't take long to discuss. The issue of the rule in Monk that notice by one joint tenant determines the whole tenancy came...
Shome mishtake shurely: The RLA discover a defence to s.21
[Update 26/11/204. Rather gloriously and hilariously rudely, the RLA have replied. Their response and an explanation of why they are shooting themselves in the foot is now at the end of this post] As the second reading of the Teather bill on retaliatory...
Elementary maths for LB Barnet
You will all recall that the Localism Act allowed Councils to grant flexible tenancies, at up to 80% of market rent. Now some councils have dipped their toes in the waters of flexible tenancies (here were my notes on one such policy), and this may well yet...
Housing Law Conference 2014
As ever, a number of NL people will be at the HLPA conference, simply the best housing law conference going. So, for anyone who hasn't seen the details, here they are, and hope to see you there. Housing Law Conference 2014 10 December 2014 The Royal...
Possession Archives
The extremely slow work of adding downloadable, searchable PDFs of the NL archives continues. In addition to the homelessness archives, there are now PDFs of the possession case posts from 2006 to date on the PDF Archive page. As before, these are unedited,...
A return of sanity: Allocation and reasonable preference
Jakimaviciute, R (On the Application Of) v Hammersmith And Fulham London Borough Council [2014] EWCA Civ 1438 Eligibility for allocation list, reasonable preference and homelessness. After a run of Court of Appeal housing decisions that might be mildly...
Only connect – allocation priority
Just a brief note, partly about Barnet's Allocation policy and partly about the surprising way that things can develop from a blog post. In September 2014, I noted that Barnet's proposed changes to its allocation policy had the effect of excluding domestic...