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Giles Peaker

Job ads – N and SE London

SSP Law Finchley We are a firm specialising in Housing and Property Law established for 12 years and currently have our Lexcel accreditation pending. We pride ourselves in our inclusive and diverse culture and our strong links with the local community. We...

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  Ten years. Ten whole years. That is how long this site has been in existence. Yet still we stagger on, despite bits falling off and the east wing giving way. Variously heralded as 'irreverent, comprehensive and up to date' by the Judicial Training...

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Gatekeeping special

This has been quite a week for issues about Local Authorities gatekeeping homeless applications coming to the fore. This post addresses practices and policies of three councils. Eastbourne BC, LB Haringey and Bournemouth BC. Eastbourne BC Eastbourne's...

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Money down the drain

Court v Van Dijk & Anor [2016] EWCA Civ 483 Nuisance cases are tricky. There is a lot to establish for causation, for liability and for loss. This case is perhaps a cautionary tale about the need to be constantly alert to changes in the facts and expert...

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