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Giles Peaker

A busy day

So noted in passing: Everybody's favourite still wet behind the ears barrister, Tom Brennan, has had the full day of argument on the validity of his claim and the matter has apparently been adjourned.  Of course, the BBC don't tell us whether Mr Brennan was...

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It speaks…

I have just had the great pleasure of doing a podcast with Charon QC, talking about mature entry to the law, the LPC and recruitment, and legal aid. I also made a faltering attempt to explain the tolerated tresspasser issue. The podcast is now up on his...

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Please, No. It's just wrong.

My jaw dropped at this post from Lo-fi librarian. You must see the post for lo-fi's screenshots. Also in the Times Online. Field Fisher Waterhouse have opened an office in Second Life. This is just wrong in so many ways. The media hype about 'real world'...

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Curse this anonymity thing.

There are times, such as this, that the requirements of anonymity are a bit annoying. Much though I enjoy the dark powers conferred by my mask of mystery, being the Fantômas of housing law, it does mean that some things can't be posted about at the time or...

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Glittering Prizes

Not that I am at all obsessive about such things, at least not since I forced myself to keep checking down to once a month or so, but out of the allegedly 71 million blogs tracked by Technorati (surely less than half of which are active), Nearly Legal has...

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Now there's a thought

I was talking with a friend this weekend, one of the few people who know my secret identity. 'Why', my friend asked me, 'don't you have more about criminal law and practice on the blog?' 'More?', I said, 'I have nothing about Criminal on there'. 'Exactly',...

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