Two cases on a similar issue to report, one in the High Court and one in the Court of Appeal. Both concerned Section 202 Housing Act 1996 reviews and both dealt with issues of the notification of the review decision. The cases are not available on bailii...
What to review?
Nzamy v Brent London Borough Council Court of Appeal, January 26, 2011 [Arden eflash 420. Not on Bailii yet, but we've seen a transcript of the extempore judgment] The appellant and family were in permanent accomodation provided by Brent following a previous...
Grant cuts overturned?
We know nothing more about this case than is reported by Local Government Lawyer here, but it appears that a judicial review of London Councils decision to cut £10 million from its £24.6 million grant scheme to voluntary sector organisations in the capital...
On the naughty step – a bag of wind
As Dave has explained, the Supreme Court decision in Yemshaw v LB Hounslow brought the definition of violence in Housing Act 1996 into line with other statute and Government guidance, in particular with the accepted family law definition of 'domestic...
Apres moi le deluge
This may not be the first such announcement, but it is certainly the biggest to date. Birmingham Citizens Advice has had £600,00 per year of Local Authority funding cut. Unless alternative funding of £50,000 per month is found, it will close its generalist...
A comedy of errors
Following on from David's sort of disrepair related post below, here is another one - not directly a disrepair matter but bearing on terms of settlement. It is either quite significant or something of a farce of bad drafting, bad decisions and windfall...
Forcelux bound (a little bit)
London Borough of Hackney v Findlay [2011] EWCA Civ 8 This was the Court of Appeal hearing of an appeal on the issues raised in Forcelux v Binnie [2009] EWCA Civ 854 [Our report here], specifically the Court's ability to set aside a possession order under...
Equality duty to be in force 6 April
The Government Equalities Office has announced that the Public Sector Equality Duty will be in force from 6 April 2011. The Equalities Office page has links to the following documents: Draft regulations on the specific duties; Draft order amending Schedule...
Sorry for the brief disappearance
For anyone who noticed that access suddenly appeared to be forbidden to the blog on the afternoon of Monday 17 January, my apologies. For once it was nothing to do with me - something (I know not what) had triggered something else on the server. One brief...
What’s yours is mine (in variable proportions)
Clarke v Meadus [2010] EWHC 3117 (Ch) Normally Dave would be covering this kind of case, knowing more about equity and trust right now than I probably ever will. But Dave is off being very clever to a tight deadline for other people, so I get to indulge my...
Tenant’s relief from Mortgagee
GMAC RFC Ltd v Jones Lambeth County Court 15/11/2010 With thanks to the Legal Action Recent Developments in Housing Law - report in the January 2011 edition. This was a case on the operation of the Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc) Act 2010,...
Dear Mr Shapps
My word, what a fountain of press releases you have been lately. Quite takes me back to the heady days of John Healey. But it is this press release I want to talk about, the ‘Neighbours from Hell’ one. You announce that you: will introduce a new additional...