Or round 3 of Ms Pritchard's refusal to give up her former property to the 'We buy your right to buy home' firm that had obtained possession. Fineland Investments Limited v Pritchard (2011) Ch D 17/05/2011 [Note on Lawtel, unreported elsewhere] Readers may...
Ain’t nobody here but…
Windsor and District Housing Association v Hewitt (2011) CA (Civ Div) 19/05/2011 [On Lawtel and in a note from Tanfield Chambers.] Not chicken related, thankfully. This was the Court of Appeal hearing of Windsor & District's appeal from the refusal of...
Human Rights at Home
The EHRC has released guidance for social housing providers on the relevance of human rights to social housing provision and managment and on how to comply. The guidance can be downloaded here [link to pdf]
Getting Plastered
Grand v Gill [2011] EWCA Civ 554 At the risk of being mocked, or shunned, I must confess myself to be throughly excited. A Court of Appeal disrepair case! And on one of the great unknowns of disrepair liability to boot! Obviously, my wedding day 8 years ago...
Back to the future
Heartpride Ltd v Sawhney (2011) Ch D 12/5/2011 [Note on Lawtel, not elsewhere] A case on notices of rent increase for a Rent Act tenancy given under Rent Act 1977 s.45(3). H, the landlord, had served a notice of rent increase on S, the tenant, on 27 March...
Judicial review costs redux
We've seen reports of a case called R (Ambrose) v City of Westminster (Admin Court 13 May 2011. Not on Bailii or reported elsewhere so far). It was a judicial review of a refusal to provide interim accommodation pending review. Westminster had apparently...
Someone to watch over me
R (Nassery) v London Borough of Brent [2011] EWCA Civ 539 This was the appeal of a judicial review of Brent's decision on provision of care and accommodation under section 21 National Assistance Act 1948. Mr N was an Iranian asylum seeker (granted indefinite...
Only Connect
TG, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lambeth (Shelter Intervening) [2011] EWCA Civ 526 The disconnection between Local Authority Social Services and housing departments has been a frequent topic here and in the courts, not least in the House of...
Lease without end?
Ferreira v Portugal App No 41696/07 (21/12/2010) [Link is to judgment in French, the only available version. Update 4/5/2011 - link now works. Can't link properly to ECtHR site.] We're indebted to Legal Action's 'Recent Developments in housing law' for this...
If you’ve had problems with the site lately…
If you've been using Internet Explorer and have had problems with the site over the last few days (it looked odd, or pages were reloading themselves, or you were getting blank pages, for instance), my apologies. I don't use IE so I didn't notice until some...
My place, not yours
R (MK & Anor) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (2011) CA (Civ Div) 14/4/2011 [Not on bailii, only a case note on lawtel]. Sorry to be late getting to this one, I was hoping that a full transcript would become available. It hasn't so I'm relying...
This afternoon, after having agreed several times that the newly en-Duchessed Catherine's dress did indeed resemble a fusion of those of Grace Kelly and Princess Margaret but that it was unclear what this portended, apart from the wisdom of staying away from...