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Taxonomic revamp


As our archive has grown, I’ve tried a few ways to make it easier to find what people may be looking for. I brought in tags for posts, which should bring up other posts with similar issues (always assuming we’ve been consistent in the tags we use) and I’ve added a new search engine and advanced search page.

von LinneBut the old category list was pretty much unchanged from when the blog started. So, I’ve added a whole new set of housing law specific categories and rolled all the non-housing law posts into one ‘Various’ category. I’m about half way through the archives, moving the old posts into the new categories, which we will use from now on.

The new list is in the column to the right. Posts may well appear in more than one category, of course, but these struck me as the most useful ‘top level’ headings. Any suggestions welcome.

Each category also has its own RSS feed, for those of you who know about and use such things (and you really should – it means the info comes to you, rather than having to go and look). The RSS icon next to each category name is a link to the category specific feed.

I hope this will all be of use, particularly for those who know we reported on a case on a specific issue, but can’t find it in the last three years worth of posts, and I know there are a fair few of you – I get emails ;-)

Bonus points for anyone who gets the presence of the Swedish gentleman above without recourse to google…

[Edit 25/08/09 – the archives have all been transferred now and the category list should be pretty much complete. That was a time consuming exercise, but useful, as I’ve been amending tags and posts as I’ve gone through them.]

Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Twitter. Known as NL round these parts.


  1. Martin George

    Gosh, I wish I had the motivation to do this with I lost the categories when moving from one host to another, and haven’t trawled through the archives to add them back in as yet. Kudos to you for doing so, sir!

    Oh, and is that Linnaeus? I vaguely remember learning(ish) about Linnaean taxonomy during Biology A-Level. Could be wrong, though – Caveat Lector, after all.

  2. lawminx

    (The ‘ Linne ‘ up in the top right hand corner is a dead giveaway!!)

  3. NL

    Linnaeus it is, Mr Taxonomy himself. Consider yourselves bonus pointed.


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