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Blawgfest 2007, bon chance…


Despite having been thoroughly up for it, one of the side effects of my new found traineeship-ness is that I can’t go to the UK Legal Blawg Conference, organised by Geeklawyer and Ruthie, on 18th May as I’m being inescapably trained.

It looks like a good and interesting time should be had by all. I hope it goes marvellously well and look forward to indiscretions galore afterwards. Any leftover Rioja (fat chance) can be sent my way.

Geeklawyer – make it an annual shindig. Go on, you know you want to.

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Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Bluesky. (No longer on Twitter). Known as NL round these parts.


  1. Ruthie

    I believe that Charon will be videoing that event so if you are still desparate to have that full on lowblogging experience get the DVD. Then buy the “I love Ruthie” T shirt. :-)

  2. contact

    I’m hoping he’ll go video-casting on the blog.

    ‘Lowblogging’? Speak for yerself. But consider the T shirt ordered.

  3. Geeklawyer

    Yuo could always turn up for the beer & curry afterwards – i.e. the REAL conference :)

    I’d certainly like to make it an annual thing – but kinda depends on how this one oes & if there is demand.

  4. Lynne Bastow

    I have tried to send you an e mail to thank you for the link to my blog, let you know that I have done a reciprocal link and congratulate you on attaining your training contract, but…. I could not make it past the verification question…

  5. contact

    Lynne, thanks. The form should work, but if you are using an antiquated web browser, I suppose it might not. I haven’t tested on all the older browsers.

    I’ll put an address on the about page as well.

    The training goes into the early evening, but barring exhaustion and numbed mind, I’ll see about the curry.



  1. Legal Blawg Conference : Square Mile Law - [...] Legal Blawg Conference this Friday. All the details can be found here. Unfortunately, like Nearly Legal, I can’t get…

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