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Conversation -v- Contract

I knew I was tempting fate. I made a comment yesterday on Pupilblogger's post on litigants-in-person. Today came the swift nemesis to my hubris. A day full of new enquries fom what turned out to be l-i-ps. Not that they tell you that at first. Oh...

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More than reasonable?

Ken Adams of emailed me the other day. I've enjoyed dipping into his site, even though my area has nothing to do with contract drafting and a relatively small amount of contractual interpretation. I like the overlaying of...

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More Contract refuseniks?

My, but the emails have been flying around today in the wake of Bindman's public announcement, including Round Robins and emails with lists, admittedly of varying accuracy, of which firms are refusing to sign. Some firms are definitely not signing,...

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Age Bar

I read Lawyer-2-be's comments on diversity and age in relation to entry to the Bar with interest. As regular visitors will know, the problems of mature entrants to the legal profession is something of a (self-interested) hobbyhorse of mine....

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A brave decision, Minister

So far it is a bit short of stone throwing confrontations with riot police, but the current actions of our friends in publicly funded legal aid criminal defence are pretty much unprecendented, at least for lawyers. I hope the demo went well. "What...

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Obvious filler 4

There is plenty of material that I ought to be writing about, but I'm going to have to pull a Pupilblogger, because I can't talk about it now. So, in the place of anything substantial, interesting or even legal, it is time once more to gaze in awe...

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Lessons from Lahore?

With all due respect to the striking legal aid Criminal solicitors and the Law Society, this is an impressive bunch of protesting lawyers. A reminder that the struggle between the rule of law and rule by decree is sometimes literally that. I do...

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What he said

Corporate Law appears to be having a bit of a crise. I feel for him. As far as I can tell, Corporate doesn't think his blog has been getting the attention/traffic that it should. If that is the case, then I'd agree. There are very few sites in this...

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