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Unsung heroes Part 2

The shortlist for the Legal Aid Practitioners Group Legal Aid lawyers of the year awards is out (see previous post here), and given that housing only featured as a subset of social welfare, there is a good crop of housing lawyers in there. Not NL,...

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For old times' sake

This is only for for those of you who have been reading this blog for some time, but I'm quite pleased to be able to say that Nearly Legal (the person) has finally been admitted to the roll as a solicitor. Everyone else involved in the blog is, of...

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Pour encourager les autres

Webb v Wandsworth LBC (Court of Appeal, November 12, 2008, extempore judgment and only noted in Arden Chambers Eflash 328) Ms Webb was the secure tenant of LB Wandsworth. Between 2005 and 2006 her son was involved in a number of serious criminal...

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