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When Age is Not Just a Number Part II

Hot on the heels of the KN v Barnet report is the Court of Appeal judgement in R (CJ) v Cardiff CC [2011] EWCA Civ 1590 (judgement handed down on 20/12/2011). The High Court proceedings were reported here. The important aspect of this appeal is the...

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When Age is Not Just a Number

Regular readers may have noted that these pages have been quiet on the subject of age assessments and the entitlement to services under the Children Act 1989. The fact-finding hearing in The Queen (KN) v LB Barnet [2011] EWHC 2019 (Admin) was heard...

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Adams v LGO

I need to make the obvious pun about the Adams family but the monsters in this particular case were really played collectively by Lambeth. The case is R on the application of Janet Adams v The Commission for Local Administration for England. This...

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