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Haigh, Squatting is Now Illegal

The Evening Standard is reporting the sentencing of the first person under the new anti-squatting provisions in the LASPO Act. Alex Haigh received 12 weeks in prison. Unfortunately Mr Haigh appeared to be unaware that squatting was now an offence and...

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Squatting: The MoJ Guide

We have had a lot to say about squatting. In fact those of you who are quick may even be able to see one of the authors of the blog on television talking about it today! With the new legislation criminalising squatting due to come into force at the weekend...

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Pass me down the wine

The number of letters published in The Guardian on the topic of the law on squatting has now reached two and can therefore be fairly described as an “exchange”.We have already noted Mike Weatherley MP’s letter to The Guardian and I urge you all to read that...

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Squatters make good stories

A squatters story in the Evening Standard caught my eye today and I can't bear to let such nonsense pass. The story (so we are told) is that a hotelier moved out of his home for a week while it was being renovated and, coming back, found that it was occupied...

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