Morshead Mansions Ltd v Leon Di Marco [2008] EWCA Civ 1371 Service charges. Much more interesting than tolerated trespassers. Honestly. Sections 18 - 30 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 contain a detailed regulatory framework for service charges in residential...
Stadium Housing to Appeal
Regular readers of this blog will have read our comments on (in our view) a fairly poor example of service charge management by an RSL, entitled On the Naughty Step. To my surprise the RSL in question — Stadium Housing — have decided to appeal the decision....
On the Naughty Step
Or an RSL behaving badly, again. And this time it's personal... 21 Press House, Press Road LON/00AE/LSC/2007/0292 [pdf], an LVT decision. The landlord, Stadium Housing Association, were facing an application over hefty service charges made on an shorthold...
Hey! That's my window.
Sheffield City Council v Hazel St Clare Oliver LRX/146/2007 [links to PDF] This is a case which touches on an issue familiar to those involved with right to buy leases: replacement of windows by the landlord. The landlord council wished to replace metal...