... a case about service charges, balancing payments, LVT procedure and precedent. In Holding and Management (Solitaire) Ltd v Sherwin [2010] UKUT 412 (LC), the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) had to grapple with s.20B, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. This...
Right to manage: two from the Upper Tribunal
Chapter 1, Part 2, Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 makes provision for "qualifying tenants" of a building to form a company that, in turn, will acquire the right to manage the property from the freeholder. It is largely modeled on the collective...
Service charges: a welcome return to orthodoxy
Whilst we're waiting for Wednesday, (when the Supreme Court will give judgment in Pinnock, in case you were wondering), the housing law world doesn't stop in the interim. Far from it. So, without further ado, lets turn to Regent Management Ltd v Jones [2010]...
RTM costs (or, how not to grant permission to appeal)
Wilson v Lesley Place (RTM) Company Ltd [2010] UKUT 342 (LC) I confess to being a bit bitter about this case. The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) is hideously overworked. It can (and often does) take over a year for an appeal from an LVT to get before the...
Service charges due and payable?
Staunton v Kaye & Anor [2010] UKUT 270 (LC) This is a rather confused matter from the Upper Tribunal (Lands) sitting in Manchester. It is made all the more confused by a transcript which muddles parties and at one point suggests the LVT was in error in...
And here’s to you, HHJ Robinson*
Three decisions of HHJ Robinson, sitting as a judge of the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) for your delectation. In Masri v The Wellcome Trust Ltd [2010] UKUT 138 (LC) the respondents had originally demanded c.£19,000 of charges but, after recording a number...
Holiday chalets and service charges
Hopefully, you're either reading this (a) whilst enjoying the long bank-holiday weekend or (b) back in the office after having enjoyed the long weekend. Either way, a case about holiday chalets seemed appropriate at this time. By s.27A, Landlord and Tenant...
Shake your windows
Craighead v Homes for Islington & LB Islington [2010] UKUT 47 (LC) is a decision of Andrew Trott in the Upper Tribunal on an appeal from the LVT. 21 leaseholders faced bills of £30-40,000 for service charges between 2006 and 2008 relating to "external...
Self Insurance and Right to Buy leases
Mihovilovic v Leicester CC [2010] UKUT 22 (LC) Another Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) case. This was an appeal by the leaseholders of an LVT decision in respect of service and major works charges levied by Leicester City Council, the freeholder. There were...
Variation of service charges
Shersby v Grenehurst Park Residents Co Ltd LRX/142/2007 Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) The appellant held a lease of a flat in a former mansion house. The wider estate comprised 17 such flats and a number of freehold houses and mews cottages. In total there...
Leasehold law update
This is another of the (irregular) updates on matters relating to leasehold property, leasehold valuation tribunals and the like. First up, those practicing in this field should note the the Right to Manage Companies (Model Articles) (England) Regulations...
Help with service charges
Leaseholders who purchased their properties from local housing authorities under the Right to Buy (and those persons who subsequently bought on from those original purchasers) are currently facing huge service charge bills (up to £40,000 in some London...