Back in May 2010, we covered the case of Philips v Francis (QBD, Truro District Registry) on whether or not holiday chalets let on long leases were "dwellings" within the meaning of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, and, hence, the service charges payable by...
Service charges ad infinitum
The Upper Tribunal is hearing what might turn out to be quite an important s.20, LTA 1985 dispensation case today (LB Southwark v over 13,000 leaseholders in the borough (our note here) and, as ever, we'll bring it to you as soon as we have news of the...
It’s like waiting for a bus
The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) appears to have had a sudden burst of efficiency, churning out judgments at over one a week. It wasn't that long ago that I can remember one a month being considered an efficient turn over. The reason, it appears, is that...
They do not hear me, it’s the same old case*
Levitt and Levitt v LB Camden [2011] UKUT 366 (LC) The Brunswick Centre is a well-known mixed residential and commercial development in London. There are almost 400 flats atop perhaps 30 or so commercial units. The flats are (for the most part) heated by a...
Service charges and legal costs: am I missing something?
Forgive me for what may turn out to be a silly question, but this is something I've been thinking about recently and wanted to see what everyone else thought. Leasehold property and legal costs A well-drafted lease will usually contain a provision requiring...
I’m not talking to you
Following on from the news that LEASE (the Leasehold Advisory Service - a quango) had not been granted funding to continue to advise the public on commonhold issues (see our note, here), comes the news that it is to stop offering mediation services in...