We looked at Northwood Solihull Ltd v Fearn & Ors (2020) EWHC 3538 (QB) in this post (now with an addition) and I discussed it in this video. But it turns out there is something a bit problematic about this High Court decision. The High Court had held...
New ‘How to Rent’ Guide – 10 December 2020
MHCLG has published a new 'How to Rent Guide' today, 10 December 2020. I've added it to the archive. As a reminder, for any post 1 October 2015 assured shorthold tenancy, or 'renewal' tenancy (where the guide as been updated), the tenant must be provider...
Updated Section 21 Validity flowchart
As we appear to have gone at least a week with no new law emerging that affects section 21, I have taken the risk of updating the s.21 validity flowchart. It now includes: All the various valid notice periods. Tenant Fees Act effects after 1 June 2020...
The Trecarrell Conundrum
Trecarrell House Limited v Rouncefield (2020) EWCA Civ 760 It is fair to say this Court of Appeal decision has been widely and keenly awaited. Unfortunately, for reasons I will explain in my comment at the end, I think it leaves us with a lot of...
Updated section 21 flowchart
I've had a go at updating the section 21 validity flow chart. It now incorporates the effect of the Tenant Fees Act 2019 (which turned out to be more complicated to do than I thought - I think it works, but constructive criticism welcome), and updates notes...
Form 6A section 21 notice update
After this post (and some substantial behind the scenes contacts from others), MHCLG have acknowledged that the amended Form 6A that had been put up on the gov.uk site should indeed not have been put up. The form 6A has been replaced with the version in the...
Gas Safety and section 21 – late inspections
With grateful thanks to Oliver Fisher Solicitors for information on this case, which contains a fresh twist on the gas safety certificate and validity of section 21 rules that we have previously encountered here and here. Kaur v Griffith, County Court at...
When an ‘or’ is an ‘and’ in Wales
Evans v Fleri (2019) EW Misc 12 (CC) A lesson in drafting from Wales. The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 provides at Section 7(1) The landlord of a dwelling subject to a domestic tenancy must not do any of the things described in subsection (2) in respect of the...
The End of Section 21
I'd suggest sitting down before you read this. The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, James Brokenshire, has announced/is to announce depending on when you read this, that the Government is to abolish section 21. Honest....
U Can’t Do This*
This is another in what turns out to be an occasional series of unregulated, unqualified 'Evictions R Us' outfits making catastrophic errors and costing their clients large amounts of money. You may recall Kassam v Gill & Gill, featuring 'Remove a...
All out of Proportion
We saw the case of McDonald v McDonald through the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court found that as between private parties, there was no right to a proportionality review of eviction under the Section 21 possession claim procedure....
You ain’t the boss of me (yet)
Barrow & Anoe v Kazim & Ors (2018) EWCA Civ 2414 When a section 21 notice is served, does the party serving it (or on whose behalf it is served) have to be the tenant's landlord at that time? The situation in this second appeal was one that is now...