London Borough of Hackney v Findlay [2011] EWCA Civ 8 This was the Court of Appeal hearing of an appeal on the issues raised in Forcelux v Binnie [2009] EWCA Civ 854 [Our report here], specifically the Court's ability to set aside a possession order under...
And now, the end is near
With grateful thanks to James Stark of Garden Court North and North West Housing Law Practitioners Group, we can pass on some news on the introduction of Schedule 11 Housing & Regeneration Act 2008 and the end of the tolerated trespasser. The SI should...
The importance of not being earnest
Via a somewhat convoluted route, we have received news of a cautionary tale from Croydon. Consider it an illustration of the need to use conditional language when writing about something which is supposed to happen but which is outside of your control. It is...
Bits from LAG and nuisance & Art 8
There are several cases in the latest LAG updates that we haven't covered and that are interesting. Thanks as ever to Jan Luba QC and HHJ Nic Madge for the LAG reports. There are two brief notes on County Court cases and a more sizeable one on Dobson v...
In passing…
A couple of quick notes from the HLPA meeting this evening. Aweys v Birmingham is listed for the Lords next week (homeless at home and allocation policy differences in priority between homeless at home and those with no accommodation available, as if you...
Scotland's homelessness advance warning system
News of a change from over the border. From 1st April landlords will have to notify the local authority in a standard form when they raise proceedings for possession. This will give effect to s. 11 of the Homelessness etc (Scotland) Act 2003. Notice can...
Third party costs against Councils?
Very interesting post on Housed this evening on the possibilities of seeking a costs order against a local authority for a possession order obtained by a private landlord where the LA has refused to take a homeless application from the tenant until they are...
Possession orders and RTB
Honeygan-Green v London Borough of Islington [2008] EWCA Civ 363 (22 April 2008) A quick note on this Court of Appeal case. What happens when a secure tenant who has begun the right to buy process subsequently has a suspended possession order made against...