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Homelessness updates

Abdikadir v London Borough of Ealing (2022) EWCA Civ 979 Where an offer of out of borough accommodation had been made and refused, and a discharge of duty upheld on review, did the council's failure to notify the other council under section 208(2) Housing...

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When is suitable?

London Borough of Bromley v Broderick (2020) EWCA Civ 152 When assessing the suitability of a (refused) offer of accommodation made under s.193 Housing Act 1996 duty, what is the relevant date, or dates? That was the issue for the Court of Appeal in this...

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From ‘pillar to post’

In a judgment of undisguised anger, Cobb J described the conduct of LB Tower Hamlets and LB Havering as "shameful" in the way in which they treated AM and his family.  I haven't come across Cobb J before but his judgment in AM v Tower Hamlets LBC and...

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Babes out of the Forest

The out of borough temporary accommodation position continues to get worse, with increasing numbers of homeless shipped out of borough (and for London councils, often out of London). London Councils (pace Nzolameso v Westminster CC ) have put the DCLG...

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Out of Area Placements

Shelter has recently issued its 2012 statistics of homeless households who were temporarily accommodated outside London. 31 London councils provided data, which have revealed that out of 11513 households, 120 (or 1%) were accommodated more than 20 miles from...

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