E v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. 9 December 2022. Central London County Court (Unreported - Anonymised at claimant's request) ) This is a s.204 appeal judgment that I have been sitting on for an inexcusably long time, ever since I was kindly sent...
Time to respond to ‘minded to’ letters, and getting affordability right
Our grateful thanks to Alice Irving of Doughty Street Chambers for this note of a section 204 appeal decision, which is interesting in the approach to representations in response to 'minded to' letters, to affordability assessments and on the timing and role...
Tell me why – ‘Minded to’ letters and reasons
Scanlon v London Borough of Lambeth, Central London County Court 14 September 2020 (We've see a note of the decision). This was a section 204 Housing Act 1996 appeal following Lambeth's review decision that Ms S had made herself intentionally homeless. This...
How to be ‘minded to’?
Mitu v London Borough of Camden [2011] EWCA civ 1249 In which the Court of Appeal splits over the proper interpretation of Regulation 8(2) of The Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Review Procedures) Regulations 1999, while agreeing on the outcome in...
Face time
Makisi & Ors v Birmingham City Council [2011] EWCA Civ 355 Does the right to make oral submissions to a review officer on a s.202 Housing Act 1996 review, following a 'minded to' letter, mean that the applicant has the right to insist on a meeting? This...