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Legal Aid

The Pyramid Scheme

This post is about paralegals and barristers in legal aid work. Which means that it will mostly turn out to be about solicitors. The latest Legal Action (March 2008) has a rather dispiriting, but unsurprising piece  on the results of a Young Legal Aid...

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Obvious filler 6

My occasional attempts to get cheap laughs at the expense of passing bewildered internet searchers are getting more difficult. Virtually all of the search terms that have brought people here recently are legally related and most even make sense. I hate it...

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LSC Judicial Review Mk 2

The Law Society is (just about) to file the second Judicial Review application of the Civil legal aid Unified Contract, this time arguing that, following the Court of Appeal judgment in the first JR, the LSC has to address the illegality of the current fixed...

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Lacking Support

Tempted though I am to get caught up in Jeremy Paxman's baggy pants revelations (and don't you just love the image of Paxman raising his best inquisitorial eyebrow as he questions the occupants of his gym and, of course, the House of Commons as to the...

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Exodus Part 1 (of many)

The Guardian reports on a survey by the Association of Lawyers for Children. The results are not surprising to anyone facing a legal aid future (although the survey was done before the LSC decision to terminate the unified contract). One-third of individual...

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Through the Looking Glass

'It seems very pretty,' she said when she had finished it, `but it's RATHER hard to understand!' (You see she didn't like to confess, ever to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all.) `Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas -- only I don't exactly...

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