While on the topic of legal aid funding, Terminological Inexactitude has a short and blunt judgement on Carter in which I can only concur.
Coming soon. Art and copyright 2
For anyone who gives the demotic simian's whatever, part 2 will be along in a while, possibly next weekend. As might reflections on some strange effects of homelessness law and a couple of very sub John Mortimer anecdotes on Counsel. Sorry. I've been...
Of urban CLANS
Interesting whispers are circulating about the planned direction for civil legal aid funding, previously discussed here. The initial plan for Community Legal Networks, or CLANS, was that these would be supported for rural areas and advice deserts. Firms...
Road rage.
I was at Court the other day, waiting (and waiting and waiting) for a directions hearing. (always beg to be listed or at least called before the family cases). It was a possession day, so the place was crowded. In strutted/waddled two men, one older, with...
Tolerated trespassers: A Luta Continua
As previously pointed out, it was never going to be easy dealing with the great host of tolerated trespassers left in the wake of Harlow v Hall. But the variation in local authority policy in regard to their TTs is immense. Some authorities more or less...
Know your usher.
Off to court tomorrow, standing in for a colleague. I'm quite looking forward to it. I haven't been for a few weeks as all my cases are on adjournment. An inner city County Court on a busy list day, a local authority possession day for instance, might seem...
1. Vendemiaire Part 1. Wither Legal Aid?
First day of the new regime, as the firm where I worked is absorbed into another larger firm. All the usual issues over supervision, disbursements, etc., etc.. All the necessary adaptions to working practice, culture of firm etc., etc.. But beyond that, the whole takeover represents a more serious symptom of what is happening to the sector that does publicly funded work, particularly for civil legal aid.