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Assured Shorthold tenancy
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Introductory and Demoted tenancies
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interim accommodation

Is a mere roof enough?

Niema Abdusemed v Lambeth LBC (2016) QBD (Admin) (Ouseley J) 19/02/2016 (Not on Bailli yet. On lawtel as note of extempore judgment). An application for interim relief in a judicial review of Lambeth's refusal to provide interim accommodation pending review...

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Not pending this appeal

Zak Johnson v City of Westminster [2013] EWCA Civ 773 [Not on bailii yet, transcript on Lawtel] When bringing a second appeal to the Court of Appeal from a section 204 Housing Act 1996 appeal to the County Court, what is the applicant's route to challenge a...

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Residing together, apart.

Sharif v The London Borough of Camden [2013] UKSC 10 Does accommodation available for occupation by a person and those reasonably expected to reside with them have to be in one unit of accommodation? In this case, the Court of Appeal had said yes (our report...

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Stick or Twist

R (MD)(Afghanistan) v Secretary of State [2012] EWCA Civ 194 is an immigration case but merits wider attention because of what it has to say about the interplay between renewing a judicial review claim and appeals. MD was an asylum seeker. The Secretary of...

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