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O(L)ivers Army

Defence Estates v L and another, High Court (Administrative Court, Collins J, 5.5.09) [2009] All ER (D) 20 (May) is - potentially - quite an important case on the ongoing Qazi/Kay/Doherty/Connors/McCann/Cosic debate about the role of Article 8 in possession...

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Redolent of Improbability

I don't think there is any significant point of law or practice in Lemas and Sealy v Williams [2009] EWCA Civ 360, but it is a strange case (although one suspects many readers will have been involved in similarly chaotic cases at one stage or another) and...

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The end of the road

X v LB Hounslow [2009] EWCA Civ 286. When news of X first reached the NL team, the near unanimous response was one of pleasure at the result. Once we obtained a transcript and saw the reasoning of the trial judge, it became clear not only that an appeal...

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North of the border

Glasgow City Council v Mitchell [2009] UKHL 11 This is a Scottish appeal to the House of Lords on the scope of the duties owed - if any - by landlords in respect of the behavior of their tenants. It is a difficult case to read (at least for any English...

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It's oh so quiet…

Or at least after last week's tsunami of housing cases, it is quiet. This is good because I am a) perversely very busy, what with everyone else being on holiday, and b) behind the serene exterior of the blog, there is intense plotting and organising going...

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