R (OAO Harris) v London Borough of Islington. High Court (Admin) CO/1282/2019 (unreported, settled March 2019.). This is a settled judicial review, I've seen the grounds, interim order and final consent order. It raises a number of issues about the...
Homelessness Reduction Act Code of Guidance (mostly) out
MHCLG has published the Statutory Code of Guidance for the implementation of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, with just over a month to go until it is in force (3 April 2018). 25 chapters and one annex are here (with no downloadable version in evidence...
Guidance on reducing homelessness
The DCLG has published the draft statutory code of guidance to accompany the Homelessness Reduction Act (in force from April 2018). The draft code is now subject to 8 weeks consultation. The DCLG has also announced the fairly small additional sums that...
A bluffers guide to the Homeless Reduction Act 2017
The Homelessness Reduction Act has now received royal assent. The Act itself is here. There is no date yet for it to come into force - there will need to be statutory guidance produced first - and the current guess is that it is likely to be in 2018....