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Homelessness Appeals and Costs

This is a brief note on a recent High Court appeal dealing with the issue of costs on withdrawn s.204 appeals (Unichi v LB Southwark 16/10/13-from a Lawtel summary, not on Bailii). The Local Authority discharged its duty towards Ms U under s.193(6)(b) of the...

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The Wasteland*

April is the cruellest month, breeding LASPO out of the dead land, mixing Memory and despair, stirring Dull anger in its train. Winter left us bare, covering Estates in fears and so, feeding An edge of life with dread of worse. Summer no surprise for us,...

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Housing and LASPO – Urgent

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill enters report stage in the House of Lords from 5 March. Any further amendments to the bill in the Lords must happen at this stage. It is likely that the social welfare provisions, including housing,...

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I’ll get the lights…

Feeling cheerful? Good, we'll soon change that. Whether Claimant or Defendant on disrepair, judicial review or other CFA funded claims, the world is about to shift on its axis somewhat, and both sides are going to have to rethink their positions and tactics....

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