After assorted rumours, it was officially announced that section 78 Domestic Abuse Act 2021 came into force today, (Monday 5 July 2021), although the regulations bringing it into force weren't actually published until about 4.30 pm (I was hunting for them)....
Domestic abuse and priority need.
In a rare these days bit of good news, the Government have announced that the Domestic Abuse Bill will be amended to make being a victim domestic abuse priority need for the purposes of local authorities homelessness housing duty. This follows strong...
Probability of violence and dates of actions
LB v London Borough of Tower Hamlets (2020) EWCA Civ 439 A second appeal on a homelessness review, where a finding of intentional homelessness had been upheld, raising an important point on whether events or factors post-dating the decision or action that...
The brilliant Baroness
Yemshaw v Hounslow LBC [2011] UKSC 3 While my NL colleagues are off partying at a secret location for lunch, I've managed to steal a few precious minutes from an appallingly tight deadline (Sinead: if you're reading this, it'll be there, honest) to write a...
Ground 14A and Domestic Violence
The Court of Appeal has considered in detail the interpretation of ground 14A
Physical violence only
Yemshaw v Hounslow LBC (2009) CA (Civ Div) 15/12/2009 [only as Lawtel note so far] This was an appeal to the Court of Appeal from a s.202 appeal on the issue of what 'violence' in s.177(1) Housing Act 1996 meant. S.177(1) provides that it is not reasonable...