Astonishingly, Nearly Legal is at its 14th birthday. The blog started in June 2006. That is 14 years I've spent on this site, man woman and child. Forgive me if in these fevered and increasingly hallucinatory times, I have a bit of a self indulgent...
Ten years. Ten whole years. That is how long this site has been in existence. Yet still we stagger on, despite bits falling off and the east wing giving way. Variously heralded as 'irreverent, comprehensive and up to date' by the Judicial Training...
Now we are three
It seems like it was just yesterday it started, albeit with a very long and restless night in between, but Nearly Legal is now three years old, which in internet terms is late middle age to bus pass territory. But, if I wondered how the time was actually...
Scraping a second
I managed to miss an anniversary, a bit like my own birthdays these days. Nearly Legal was two years old on the first of June. Two years! That is positively middle aged in internet years, fittingly making the blog roughly as old as I am. It has been quite a...