Amidst the detritus of Mayors celebrating evictions for anti social behaviour and the dawn arrest of the PM's political liasion officer, I was struck by two things. One is that Ruth Turner, in common with most of the political class, doesn't know the meaning...
Law Search beta available for use.
I've put a link for the code for the custom search engine on the Law Search page. Anyone is free to add the search box to their own pages, and the graphic if they want. The only conditions are that you do not claim authorship or ownership, and you do not...
La Boheme
Amidst the boredom, misery and frustration of handling new inquiries, one way of sustaining interest is identifying the theme of the day. There usually is a theme, frequently repeated. Generally, the theme is a single capitalised word, Desperation, for...
Au Rebours
The kindly Family Lore has tagged me with the latest blogger's version of a chain letter, a meme tag. I vaguely recall seeing this one spreading amongst web designer blogs a couple of months ago and then it recently hit the law blogs like mutated bird flu. I...
Blawgs, hurgh, what are they good for?
Navel gazing (or meta blogging) on the future of the law blog seems to be the flavour of the moment in the USA, and on this side of the pond, human law and binary law have weighed in with some thoughtful views on the future of law blogs. With this in mind,...
Comment spam
Apologies if you have had problems accessing the site. There is a torrent of comment spam posting going on and it is hitting my server heavily at the moment. None of it gets through, as I use Askimet for Wordpress, but each attempted spam comment means a...
Off with their heads.
After endless consultations and a unilateral baring of heads by the parts of the High Court, it finally seems that the wig is to vanish from the civil courts. The craniums of judiciary and counsel shall henceforth be as stimulated by the air conditioned...
Law Search now Beta 0.1
It is an ongoing process, but I think Law Search has reached Beta status, just, and has thus been promoted to the sidebar. The custom specialist search, via Google co-op, prioritises results from listed sites, but includes general search results. The listed...
And a happy christmas to me.
Unlike Charon QC or even Geeklawyer, I have been away doing the christmas necessaries, and actually very pleasant they were too. On my return today, I find that to my surprise and delight, I have received a Blawg Review Award for 2006. Hurrah and indeed...
We're not in Kensal Rise anymore, Toto.
With thanks to Charon QC for the link, an utterly unseasonal opportunity for schadenfreude (assuming it is genuine) is here, courtesy of Liadnan. Normally, those of us in legal aid housing law can be expected to be sympathetic to tales of sudden homelessness...
Botox and peel.
I have had a bit of a re-design. I think the look is better and hopefully easier to use. It took me a bit further into the bowels of Wordpress than I was planning, but it seems to be running fairly well. Any problems, please let me know.
Irony in passing.
I know I shouldn't, but working on the litigator's instinct of putting the boot in, here is a quote from the 'CEO' of Netrank, taken from this Guardian article: John Straw, chief executive of online brand positioning company Netrank, says it advises its...