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Rumours of my demise…

... were entirely due to a technical hitch. Admittedly a walloping great big technical hitch which lasted 3 days and was only resolved by the site being moved a new server and the Domain Name Server records being updated. But as of 11.30 pm on Monday, the...

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I may be some time…

Very very busy and very tired, I currently come home and just stare blankly at the demanding voracious maw of the blog monster-child. Being too shattered to come up with anything to stuff down its greedy gullet, I can only feel guilt at its piteous cries of...

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A Coat of Gloss for the Bar

Now call me a cynic, but how much like PR nonsense does this article in the Times about the programme for the Bar Conference 2007 sound? Ah, yes. Human Rights pervade all aspects of the profession, that and an ability to export legal services. Well yes,...

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Oi, you, Pipex Internet

This has nothing to do with law, but sometimes a personal howl of frustration must be let loose. The topic is crappy internet service providers. To be specific, Pipex Internet. I am a Pipex subscriber, although not for very much longer. I have been for...

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Thanks to the US Above the Law for the light relief, a Miami law student gets his comeuppance on some US Court show. This does faintly remind me of a local District Judge in attitude, if not in anything else at all.

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Busy gets its reward

A very long, frantic and difficult day, without any lunch, but successful in a way that means the last week and a half of intense busyness was, in retrospect, worth it. I can't give details, not only for reasons of anonymity, but because matters aren't yet...

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Through the Looking Glass

'It seems very pretty,' she said when she had finished it, `but it's RATHER hard to understand!' (You see she didn't like to confess, ever to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all.) `Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas -- only I don't exactly...

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