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On the naughty step

On the very crowded naughty step this week are the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Law Society and, umm, firms of solicitors in general. Shahrokh Mireskrandari, senior partner of Dean and Dean, has launched a claim for £10 million against the SRA and...

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News Feeds Update

The Housing news feeds page has a couple of new sources added. In addition, although it has taken me a shamefully long time to borrow the example of Nick Holmes Family Law pipe, I've finally got around to it it. All eleven sources are now available as a...

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Brit blawg law blog review

Ruthie's Law dons the mantle of one of the all-too-rare British hostings of a Blawg Review, and a damn fine review it is. More details on Blawg Reviews here. I believe Geeklawyer is due to be the next British host, so anyone whose business is dependent on...

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The value of disinterest

That's disinterestedness, not uninterestedness, should anybody who went to school after about 1990 be reading this. Does nobody really read Kant any more? But, in a rather dismal demonstration of the trope of irony, this is likely to be an outright rant on...

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Mental Capacity

William Flack has made another considered post on the issue of mental capacity for the purposes of Civil Procedure Rule 21 on his blog. He has also begun a wiki on the topic, which could be a very useful step. (For those not sure what a wiki is, see here, in...

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World famous round here 2

Nick Holmes of Binary Law, renowned throughout the legal information tech world as being a very nice man indeed, has been generous enough to include Nearly Legal as one of his Blawgs of Note in an article for Legal Executive Journal, April 2008. Apparently,...

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On use and abuse

Thanks to a reader, I have just noticed that another blog, albeit one now apparently defunct, had used significant chunks of a post of mine unaltered, without attribution and as if the material was theirs. I'm used to the spam blogs that rip off content in...

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How not to pick a fight

Let us say you were a large US company, looking to throw around your intellectual property muscle for a quick buck by putting a licensing squeeze on small companies. If so, it is probably best not to pick on a small tech company headed by an ex-litigator...

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In what must be probably the worst experience a paralegal could ever have, Penny Wadsworth has inadvertently caused the collapse of a 5 defendant, £100,000 drugs trial [Guardian Report]. The 'Kennington Rastafarian Temple' trial had been running for 4 weeks...

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