Or a Naughty Step special edition. Another Naughty Step post? So soon? Well, yes. I have no control over how these things crop up and not only does this case feature some jaw droppingly bad behaviour, the demise of a whole business legal model and some...
Get Set (Off)
Fearns (t/a "Autopaint International") v Anglo-Dutch Paint & Chemical Company Ltd & Ors [2010] EWHC 2366 (Ch) This case was mentioned in the most recent edition of Legal Action's Housing law update but it is not a housing case. Bear with Legal Action...
Sorry for the brief disappearance
For anyone who noticed that access suddenly appeared to be forbidden to the blog on the afternoon of Monday 17 January, my apologies. For once it was nothing to do with me - something (I know not what) had triggered something else on the server. One brief...
To begin by looking backwards, the numbers for Nearly Legal in 2010 were: Posts: 281 (a post every 1.3 days on average) Average page views per day*: 613 Busiest day for page views: 1,737 (3 November) Average page views per month*: 19,995 Highest page views...
Defamation again: Mrs Clift wins in the Court of Appeal
Last year I blogged about Mrs Clift winning a claim for defamation against Slough Borough Council. The facts are in the earlier post. Slough's appeal was rejected by the Court of Appeal in Clift v Slough Borough Council [2010] EWCA Civ 1171. While the point...
And so, farewell…
The MoJ has published the list of county courts that will be closed in England and Wales. The BBC has the full list here (it includes county courts and magistrates' courts). The government claims that 85% of people will still be within 1 hr (by public...
Unwanted Gifts
Keeping the seasonal theme, we are having a bit of a problem with unwanted gifts, specifically automated spam comments. For the last few days - and ongoing - there has been a particularly heavy flood of them. We usually get about 200 a day, but that has gone...
Tis the season for giving (2)
As you all know, we six merry souls write NL because, well, we love housing / landlord and tenant law. Our fearless leader has even been described as a "nut"* for the subject. We're glad that we can produce something that people find useful but, even that is...
Legal Aid reforms – Housing
The Ministry of Justice 'consultation paper' on reforms to legal aid to achieve a £350 million cut by 2013/4 is out. It is a hefty 224 odd pages. Responses are required by 14 February 2011 I've done what I can to fillet out its significance for housing and...
The 2010 HLPA conference
As per previous years, this is the conference for those involved in housing law. Most, probably all, of the NL team will be there. Everyone else should be too. 15 December 2010, at Royal College of Surgeons. Lincolns Inn Fields, London. 6 hours CPD for both...
If you’ve got a spare 30 mins
The Lord Chancellor, the Rt Hon. Ken Clarke QC MP gave a surprisingly frank interview to Law in Action this week. It's available on the BBC iplayer, here, for the moment and is very much worth 30 mins of your time. The questions on legal aid and, in...
Equality Act 2010
I’m going to level with you, dear reader(s), I’m a bit late with this one. In my defence, I point to the fact that the Act as printed is around 250 pages long, consisting of 218 sections and 28 schedules. The explanatory notes run to over 160 pages. There is...