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A makeover…

After much swearing, faffing and fiddling with the placement of semi colons in the underlying code of the site, the new look blog is here. It is hopefully cleaner and easier to read, while keeping all of the functions of the old site. It should also make it...

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Judicial Office and Blogging

This is a little off topic, but it is an issue that would affect Nearly Legal and some of its readers. It is also an issue that affects legal blogging more generally. The Senior Presiding Judge and the Senior President of Tribunals have issued guidance on...

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New kid on the blog(ck)

The Legal Action Group, that lovely group of people who publish the books we all use, as well as the wonderful Legal Action magazine have launched a new housing law blog, here. It's a joint effort with Arden Chambers and the first post is on the Helena...

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Tibbles the Destroyer

The Stephens Island Wren is no more. It has gone. Extinct. Wiped out. Destroyed. And, at least according to folklore, by a cat named Tibbles. That's not really relevant to the case of Tibbles v SIG Plc [2012] EWCA Civ 518, but, as this is my blog post, I can...

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A taxing question

Macattram v Camden London Borough Council (2012) QBD (Admin) On Lawtel but no on BAILII This is an interesting little problem involving the payment of Council Tax. The landlord had rented the property to the Council. They had used it to house homeless...

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