Mihovilovic v Leicester CC [2010] UKUT 22 (LC) Another Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) case. This was an appeal by the leaseholders of an LVT decision in respect of service and major works charges levied by Leicester City Council, the freeholder. There were...
Limiting the right to buy (in Scotland)?
The SNP have announced that they intend to abolish the right to buy for all new build council and social housing in Scotland. The policy is intended to safeguard up to 18,000 social homes. Figures in England show a steep decline in interest in the right to...
HLPA Conference
The Housing Law Practitioners Association ("HLPA") host their annual conference on December 15, 2009 at the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Details have just been released (with more to follow later in September) and can be found at...
Outstanding and Relevant
Scinto v London Borough of Newham [2009] EWCA Civ 837 is an appeal from Bow County Court on whether the tenant was still entitled to exercise her right to buy on terms first set out in December 1999. Miss Scinto initiated the right to buy process in...
Take it as is or not at all
Ryan v London Borough of Islington [2009] EWCA Civ 578 concerned Ms Ryan's Right to Buy under Part V Housing Act 1985 and whether or not it had been deemed to be withdrawn. Ms Ryan was the secure tenant of a an Islington property. In January 2003, she served...
Right to buy and Housing Benefit rebates in the Lords
The House of Lords opinions in Hanoman (FC) (Respondent) v London Borough of Southwark (Appellants) [2009] UKHL 29 were handed down today. This was Southwark's appeal of a Court of Appeal judgment we noted here. Briefly, Mr Hanoman was a Southwark secure...
Southwark and the Lords
Southwark LBC are involved in two cases are being heard in the House of Lords next week. Hanoman v Southwark is a Right to Buy dispute and R (G) v Southwark is about whether there is a lawful distinction between a child who is "in need of accommodation" or...
Help with service charges
Leaseholders who purchased their properties from local housing authorities under the Right to Buy (and those persons who subsequently bought on from those original purchasers) are currently facing huge service charge bills (up to £40,000 in some London...
With friends like these…
Cheval Bridging Finance Ltd v Bhasin and others [2009] EWCA Civ 1613. Mrs Bhasin had lived at 9 Long Acre Drive since May 1975. Initially, she was a tenant of the local authority but, in c.1988, she purchased the property under the "Right To Buy" scheme and...
Right to Buy leases and service charges
Leicester City Council v Masters LRX/175/2007 (links to a .pdf) Pursuant to the Right to Buy provisions, the respondent purchased a leasehold interest in his flat in April 2005. As readers will know, where someone is purchasing a leasehold interest under the...
Knowsley v White etc. in more detail
Knowsley HT v White, Honeyghan-Green v LB Islington & Porter v Shepherds Bush Housing Association [2008] UKHL 70 - for anyone who hasn't read it yet. There is lots to unpick here, so I'll go case by case. It is made easier by there being pretty much one...
Tolerated trespassers in the House of Lords
For once we were well and truly beaten to the line in publicly announcing a judgment, and in this instance most deservedly so. At about 11 am at the Housing Law Conference Jan Luba QC announced the result of Knowsley HT v White, Honeyghan-Green v LB...