Croydon London Borough Council v Kalonga (2021) EWCA Civ 77 This is the Court of Appeal judgment of Croydon's appeal from the High Court decision that we noted here. The issue was what was required for determination of a flexible tenancy during the fixed...
Eviction ban in England to be extended.
As noted in the previous post, the Govt has announced that the ban on evictions in England will be extended to the end of March 2021. It was due to end on 22 February. The regulations putting this into effect have not been made public yet. We will have to...
Substantial debts are not substantial arrears
The decision of Master Dagnall in The Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity of the Brotherhood of the Most Glorious and Undivided Trinity and St Clement in the Parish of Deptford Strond, commonly called the Corporation of the Trinity House...
Misc – possession and mediation, money and remediation
The HMCTS mediation pilot on possession claims started on 1 February 2021, with the idea that it will ease the backlog of possession claims in the county courts by allowing resolution of landlord and tenant disputes outside of the full possession process....
New last minute rule changes! (Well, directions)
It was the Friday afternoon on the date that the old rules were due to expire, so naturally, as is now utterly traditional, new rules appeared without notice or fanfare. CPR Practice Direction 55C was updated this afternoon, 29 January 2021, on what was to...
Lancashire Hot Pot – waiver of forfeiture and landlord knowledge of breach
On 22nd January the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in the case of Faiz v Burnley Borough Council (2021) EWCA Civ 55. Judgment dismissing the appeal was given by Lewison LJ; with whom Arnold and Asplin LLJs agreed. The case came on appeal from the...
And no returns…
Merritt v Thurrock Council & Anor (2021) EW Misc 2 (CC) A county court case of duelling injunction applications concerning Ms Merritt's (re)occupation of what had been temporary accommodation arranged by Thurrock and managed by Midos Managment Co Ltd...
Eviction Stay Redux
Breaking with the tradition of laying such regulations on a Friday evening the day before they come into effect, the Govt has laid The Public Health (Coronavirus) (Protection from Eviction) (England) Regulations 2021 on the Friday lunchtime. These...
Prescribed information and signing as a company – erratum/update
We looked at Northwood Solihull Ltd v Fearn & Ors (2020) EWHC 3538 (QB) in this post (now with an addition) and I discussed it in this video. But it turns out there is something a bit problematic about this High Court decision. The High Court had held...
PSED, breach and ‘subsequent compliance’.
Taylor v Slough Borough Council (2020) EWHC 3520 (Ch) An appeal on the issue of whether a Council landlord's initial failure to have regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty on commencing possession proceedings could be remedied by later performance of that...
Don’t look back
To end this horrible year, a video that is most definitely not a review of 2020.... (For reasons that were beyond me, the audio drafts out of sync once the edited video is exported from the editing app. I've tried to correct it but alas to no avail. I think...
AST statutory notices and signing as a company
Northwood Solihull Ltd v Fearn & Ors (2020) EWHC 3538 (QB) There were two linked issues in this appeal. Where the landlord is a company, does i) a Section 8 Notice and ii) the deposit prescribed information confirmation certificate have to be signed in...