[Edit, time slightly later on. In the comments to her post Tessa suggests that the case discussed below was not a judgment at all but merely adjourned from the undefended list for a hearing of the issues. So none of what follows is of much significance.] A...
Housing case flood
Just a note. Comments to follow, asap. Court of Appeal: Wandsworth v Randall [2007] EWCA Civ 1126 Succession and possession for under-occupation. London Borough of Southwark v Dennett [2007] EWCA Civ 1091 Right to Buy, Delay and Misfeasance in Public Office...
Convicted – Evicted
Raglan Housing Association Ltd v Fairclough [2007] EWCA Civ 1087. Basically, Housing Act 1988 Schedule 2 Ground 14 (b) means that if if you have been convicted of an indictable offence committed in, or in the locality of, the dwelling-house the discretionary...
Busy, Busy, Busy
I'm flat out at the moment. Even my usual posting windows of a Saturday or Sunday have seen me either too tired or working to manage a post. So all I can manage is to point to two cases for Housing people's attention, to which I will return when I have time....
Disability and tenancy – More on Malcolm
I posted on Lewisham v Malcolm ten days ago. Since then a couple of commentors have raised issues and Tessa has posted on the implications of the case at Landlord Law. So it seemed worth a further look. The caveat is that what follows is my understanding of...
Possession claims dropping? Not all.
The latest figures, up to Quarter 2 2007 are available on the Ministry of Justice site, link to the PDF. The figures show quite a drop in the Q2 figures for non-accelerated possession claims issued (including claims by Councils and Housing Associations)...
Catching up – s.21 and tenants' deposits
A very interesting article by Francis Davey in September's Legal Action about the Housing Act 2004. The whole piece rewards a read, but two bits caught my eye. We don't do that many private tenancy possession defences, relatively speaking, so these were new...
Catching up – Disability Discrimination and possession
Time for some substantive law at last. I missed this one while I was on holiday and have just had it brought to my attention. LB Lewisham -v- Malcolm & Disability Rights Commission (Intervener) [2007] EWCA Civ 763. A very interesting case on the...
Public funding and rent payable
I meant to post about this one a month ago but got sidetracked. A case for any civil legal aid people to note. Funding Certificates are means-tested. Funding issued by practioners under devloved powers can be and is yanked by the Legal Services Commission if...
The horse's mouth
I was delighted to see some comments from members of the Community Law Partnership on this blog today, adding to my notes on some of their Court of Appeal cases. The comments are detailed and very helpful, adding a lot to my scanty commentary, so, for the...
Waxed Moustaches
I caught someone from the National Citizens Advice Bureau on BBC Breakfast this morning, commenting on a CAB report on the large number of people in private rented properties in bad condition who are promptly evicted if they complain or do anything about the...
Trouble with tenses
I'm drafting an application and order for the variation of a suspended possession order and revival of secure tenancy under s.85 Housing Act. If the application is successful, the resulting order will immediately cease to have effect because someone else...