The earlier post on this shared ownership possession case, Richardson v Midland Heart Ltd, (November 2007 Birmingham) attracted a lot of comment, some of it excitable and ill-informed (and much of that from me). Nearly Legal now has a copy of the judgment,...
Lack of ownership in shared ownership
[Edit 15/09/08. It now looks like the following judgment is a) being appealed shortly and b) may only have been a County Court judgment, not High Court - this latter point is not clear but reliable sources say County Court] [Edit 18/09/08. In the comments...
Weaver un-appealed?
[Edit 16/09: We now have contrary information, also 'authoritative' in source, also unconfirmed, that the appeal is going ahead. So, until we have further info, your guess is as good as ours.] Thanks to Ethan at 'That Snail..' for passing on unconfirmed news...
Alternative sites – the burden of proof
South Cambridgeshire District Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Ors [2008] EWCA Civ 1010 was an appeal of a High Court decision on Judicial Review of the decision of an Inspector in the appeal of a planning decision not...
And the 23rd Claim…
As a tale of vexatious litigants, HM Attorney General v Ford & Anor [2008] EWHC 2066 (Admin) has it all. Mysterious changes of identity, admitted perjury, repeated applications for judicial review of refusals to give permission to appeal, and appeals of...
Pre-emptive possession orders
Secretary of State for the Environment Food & Rural Affairs v Meier & Ors [2008] EWCA Civ 903 was a case concerning travellers encamped on Forestry Commission land. Some of the travellers had previously camped on a nearby patch of Forestry Commission...
ASB corner
The August 2008 Legal Action contains a couple of cases concerning anti-social behaviour possession claims that weren't recorded elsewhere. Ealing LBC v Jama B5/08/0104 was a Court of Appeal matter. Mrs Jama was Ealing's secure tenant of a two bed property....
Notes on Doherty v Birmingham CC
So, Doherty (FC) (Appellant) and others v Birmingham City Council (Respondent) [2008] UK HL 57 Well, well, and once more for effect, well. This is a very interesting result indeed, although I use the word result in a non-definite kind of way. The headline is...
Started on Doherty, but on closer inspection, the Lords have also given me R (On The Application of M) (Fc) V Slough Borough Council and R (On The Application of Heffernan) (Fc) V The Rent Service to deal with, and possibly also Yeoman's Row Management...
Doherty handed down – more later
Doherty (FC) (Appellant) and others v Birmingham City Council (Respondent) [2008] UK HL 57 That's 79 pages of reading to do...
The House of Lords is due to hand down judgment in Doherty v Birmingham tomorrow (30/7). This will include their Lordships' first take on McCann v UK. I'm aiming to have some sort of case note up by tomorrow night. It will be the start of a busy patch for...
Possession and evidence
North Devon Homes Ltd. v Batchelor [2008] EWCA Civ 840 concerned a claim for possession of an assured tenancy. At County Court, the claim was brought on grounds 10, 12 and 14 HA 1988. While the claim resulted in a postponed possession order for ground 10...