The quarterly statistics for quarter 4 2008 on possession claims and orders are out [pdf]. Unsurprisingly, it is the mortgage repossession figures from the CML that got the headlines, being up significantly on 2007 - albeit by less than initially forecast by...
Something for the weekend
The House of Lords will be giving judgment in Glasgow CC v Mitchell on Wednesday 18 Feb 09 (link is to a .pdf). This is a case that we've missed so far but, in essence, is about the scope of the duty of care (if any) owed by a landlord to their tenants in...
Evictions and Proportionality
We're a bit late with this one, and it is arguably quite a biggie (hat tip to Niki Goss who first pointed it out, to me at least, in the comments here). Anyway, Cosic v Croatia is a decision of the European Court of Human Rights that should be of interest as...
Ask and ye shall receive
Yesterday evening I asked for more information about Dixon v Wandsworth LBC (No 2) [2009] EWHC 27 (Admin) and, by the next morning, two copies of the transcript had made their way to my inbox. My gratitude to The Chief and to William Flack of Flack & Co,...
Desperately Seeking Dixon
Garden Court chambers have a note of a case called Dixon v Wandsworth LBC [2009] EWHC (Admin) 27. It isn't on Bailii, Lawtel or Casetrack. I know that some Garden Court people read this blog and if anyone has more information about it (or a transcript)...
The Basildon Endgame
As people may well have noticed from the news on TV and in the press, the last Court of Appeal hearing in the drawn out saga of the (unlawful) Essex traveller sites resulted in a defeat for the travellers. Basildon District Council v McCarthy & Ors...
In passing…
A couple of quick notes from the HLPA meeting this evening. Aweys v Birmingham is listed for the Lords next week (homeless at home and allocation policy differences in priority between homeless at home and those with no accommodation available, as if you...
No no she's not dead, she's, she's restin'!
Newport City Council v Charles [2008] EWCA Civ 1541, The Times, 11 Aug 2008 [now on bailii] The transcript for this (factually remarkable but legally straightforward) case has only just been produced, hence the delay in covering it. The appellant, Mr...
Views on the Mortgage possession protocol
The Law Gazette this week has a couple of articles on the new mortgage repossession/money claim protocol. First is a clear and possibly optimistic outline of the requirements of the protocol from Christopher Atkinson. Well worth a read on the details and...
Families, eh
The one key message of property law is never trust your family. Mirza v Mirza [2009] EWHC 3 (Ch) is a further example of this truism and I can only marvel at the way Stephen Smith QC, sitting as a Deputy Chancery Judge, dealt with the case. The Claimants,...
Scotland's homelessness advance warning system
News of a change from over the border. From 1st April landlords will have to notify the local authority in a standard form when they raise proceedings for possession. This will give effect to s. 11 of the Homelessness etc (Scotland) Act 2003. Notice can...
Expanding the Public Law defence, a bit
What Doherty v Birmingham City Council (Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government intervening) [2008] UKHL 57 actually means for a public law defence to possession claims, particularly summary possession, was the subject of London Borough of...