We at NL have been having an ongoing, interesting dialogue over the past day or so about what is a good DJ, specifically when dealing with possession proceedings. Our dialogue was initiated by an article which J forwarded to us about Judge Arthur Schack's...
Webb v Wandsworth LBC – Take 2
We first noted Webb v LB Wandsworth [2008] EWCA Civ 1643 in November 2008 when it was discussed in an Arden Chambers eflash. Earlier this week, the transcript was finally released. Slightly later this week, it was corrected so as to make sense. Thus, 9...
HLPA Conference
The Housing Law Practitioners Association ("HLPA") host their annual conference on December 15, 2009 at the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Details have just been released (with more to follow later in September) and can be found at...
L & Q Change Practice on Ground 8
News has come our way (circuitously) of a change in practice by London and Quadrant on the use of Ground 8, the mandatory ground for possession on the basis of rent arrears in respect of assured tenancies, from 01 August. Apparently, they will now only use...
"Unauthorised tenancies": New Consultation
I have found myself unaccountably lethargic post-lunch, so when the Chief put us on to the new DCLoG consultation document on "unauthorised tenancies" I jumped at the opportunity to post on it. It's a beautifully produced document with lots of pictures,...
Peverse incentive
We don't usually cover gypsy & traveller planning permission cases, since they tend to turn on their own facts, but Rafferty and another v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another [2009] EWCA Civ 809 has one point of wider...
A very short note
The decision of the House of Lords in R (Purdy) v DPP [2009] UKHL 45 (the assisted suicide case) clearly has nothing to do with housing law but, as a general statement of law, para. 34 is very interesting. ... it is obvious that the interests of human rights...
Not seriously arguable
Another case on post-Doherty public law defences was handed down on Friday. Stokes v London Borough of Brent [2009] EWHC 1426 (QB) concerned an appeal summary possession order made against a traveller in unlicenced occupation of a plot on a Brent traveller's...
Two homes, two MPs and an EDMO
EDMOs, a remarkable power given to local authorities under Housing Act 2004 to take control of an abandoned or unused residential property and let it (and charge the owner for most of the related costs of doing so), have been used remarkably rarely - I am...
Kay re-stated
And the question of what Doherty actually means rumbles on. Central Bedfordshire Council v Taylor & Ors [2009] EWCA Civ 613 was the Court of Appeal hearing of an appeal from a Circuit Judge's decision to make an outright possession order and, in particular,...
RSL meet HRA, HRA meet RSL
Well, well, well. Or perhaps well, well, oh heck. The Court of Appeal has handed down its judgment in R (Weaver) v London & Quadrant Housing Trust [2009] EWCA Civ 587 and, by a majority, L&Q have lost. It will be remembered that Mrs Weaver was a...
Pick a date, any date
It might be a small thing next to the likes of Weaver v L&Q, but Hussain v Bradford Community Housing Limited & Kauser [2009] EWCA Civ 763 is worth attention on a technical point. Hussain had a weekly periodic tenancy has joint tenant with Kauser. The weekly...