Abbey National v Miller [2006] EWCA Civ 1520; [2007] EWCA Civ 138 Miller-Foulds v Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs [2008] EWHC 3443 (Ch); [2009] EWCA Civ 1132 You'd be forgiven for not having noticed any of this (long running) litigation over...
Central Beds v Taylor – Supreme Court permission refused
Central Bedfordshire Council v Taylor & Ors We've just heard that permission to appeal to the Supreme Court in Central Beds v Taylor has been refused. Our note of the Court of Appeal case is here. This was surely a chance for the Supreme Court to revisit Kay...
Weaver – the reason for refusal
Following on from our note on the refusal of permission by the Supreme Court for Weaver v L&Q, we have now seen a copy of the Order. Lords Hope and Brown and Lady Hale refused permission to appeal on the ground that "the application did not raise an arguable...
It is an ex-parrot
Scrowther v Watermill Properties [2009] EW Misc 6 (EWCC) Newcastle upon Tyne County Court Continuing the Norwegian theme we appear to have adopted for such cases, here we have a example of an ex-sale and rent back agreement, void and gone to join the choir...
Applying to set aside possession, or when is a trial not a trial?
Forcelux Ltd v Binnie [2009] EWCA Civ 854 This was the Court of Appeal hearing of an appeal from a decision by a Circuit judge on an appeal from a order to set aside a possession order and grant of relief from forfeiture (Still with us? Good). It is...
Thoroughly premature planning injunction…
Brentwood Borough Council v Ball & Ors [2009] EWHC 2433 (QB) This was the hearing of an application for an injunction by Brentwood BC. The defendants were six gypsies who had together purchased a plot of land, called Plot 3, in 2009. This was designated...
1/4 pounder or Royale with Cheese? Zehentner v Austria
(With apologies to vegetarians, vegans, and non-lovers of Tarantino/Pulp Fiction) In Pulp Fiction, John Travolta's character explains to Samuel L Jackson's that it is the "little differences" in Europe that make it interesting - they do things differently...
A housing uncooperative?
The case of Mexfield Housing Co-Operative v Berrisford [2009] EWHC 2392 (Ch) illustrates the potentially precarious situation in which the tenant of a fully-mutual Housing Co-operative may find themselves. The facts are simple. Miss Berrisford had been a...
Way too secure
Gauci v Malta [2009] ECHR 1280 [Link is to rtf] Hat-tip to the Garden Court Bulletin for this one. Mr G owned a property in Malta. It had been let under a 25 year tenancy agreement in 1975. On the expiry of that agreement, the tenants, who owed other...
Request for info: Powell v Hounslow
We have just heard about a case, Powell v Hounslow, which is apparently due to be heard by the Court of Appeal on 15 November. According to our informant, the issue is whether an Art 8 defence can be made by a non-secure tenant in possession proceedings. We...
Unwelcome in the valleys
While we are in Wales and with thanks to the Garden Court housing bulletin, we report an Ombudsman's decision Complaint against Cardiff CC 200702358 [pdf] Mr Davies and Miss Brown complained about Cardiff Council's failure to deal with noise nuisance and...
Of Car Parks, Caravans and Councillor's commitments
The City & Council of Swansea v Christine Joyce (and others) Cardiff District Registry, Chancery Division 31 March 2009 7CF30099 This is an example of a post Doherty public law defence at first hearing, and one that succeeded where an alternative defence of...