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A post-Pinnock reading list

What does a potentially successful "proportionality" defence look like?  To put the question slightly differently, what are the contours of proportionality in the context of mandatory possession proceedings?  This is the question largely left open by Pinnock...

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No Surrender!

QFS Scaffolding Ltd v Sable & Anor [2010] EWCA Civ 682 For those who can tear themselves away from the Supreme Court we offer this case which we somehow missed from the summer (possibly due to too many holidays!). Mr & Mrs S had let a builder yard in Slough...

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Pinnock: Newsflash

The judgment is out. Full post is coming later, but the key points are: (a) a claim by a public authority for possession requires a domestic court to be able to consider the proportionality of the eviction and resolve factual disputes for itself and the...

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DWP Research: HB & LHA

The DWP has snuffled out (it seems like the best expression but apologies for it) three research reports on the impact of the local housing allowance.  Of course, these reports are largely out of date as a result of recent announcements about the LHA but...

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Set-aside or Appeal?

Islington LBC v Cecil and Grace Markland, Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court, 17/07/2010 The issue of whether a first hearing in a possession claim could be properly considered to be a trial came up in Forcelux Ltd v Binnie [2009] EWCA Civ 854 - our...

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