One question (of the many) arising from the watershed that is represented in English and Welsh law by Pinnock is just how far it extends. We hope to have a Court of Appeal decision on private landlords and the application of proportionality soonish. But...
Monk, ECHR and Article 8
Dixon v UK has now reached a conclusion in the ECHR with an Order made on 21/2/12 removing the case from the lists under Art 37 (1)(c) of the Convention. This Order is the Court's response to a unilateral declaration made by the UK government on 8/11/11...
Rumour has it…
Keep your eyes out for Khela (by his LPA receiver) v Dainter, Birmingham County Court, 29.2.12, which HHJ McKenna has just transfered into the Court of Appeal. It's an appeal against a s.21 possession order made under the accelerated procedure in which Ms...
Glad To See Y’Back Again?
Gladysheva v Russia (App. No. 7097/10) Courtesy of the always excellent ECHR blog, comes an interesting Strasbourg decision, particularly in relation to the question of just satisfaction. It has, regrettably, taken me ages to write this up. Any students who...
Successful gateway (b) defence!
London Borough of Southwark v Hyacienth 22.12.2011 is that incredibly rare, beautiful thing: a successful gateway (b) defence to a mandatory possession claim in relation to an introductory tenancy. At least, I think it is: unfortunately, it's not clear...
“I could be a lawyer with stratagems and ruses”*
Wasted costs orders are scary things. There is the censure by the Court, of course, but worst of all, the solicitors then have to pay and, no matter how much or how little, that rips shreds out of the very essence of their being. Threats to pursue wasted...
Proportionality and stay of eviction
One of the questions posed as a result of Hounslow LBC v Powell [2011] UKSC 8 [our report here] is what happens if a proportionality argument is raised after a possession order has been made, but before eviction. Powell found that s.89 Housing Act 1980,...
When is a warrant executed?
Royal Bank of Scotland v Bray Halifax County Court 25 November 2011 At what point in the course of an eviction and securing of a property is the warrant considered to be executed, so that no application for a stay can be made? This is a County Court case,...
Full of Sound and Fury…
Signifying nothing* (*And yes, I am aware that the preceding line is 'A tale told by an idiot'.) The much trumpeted Wandsworth riot related eviction has stalled even before possession proceedings were issued. According to a press release from Liberty,...
Occupy LSX update
As you may well have seen in the news, the Corporation of London was granted a possession order and injunction against the tents and camp of Occupy LSX in the churchyard area outside St Paul's Cathedral by the High Court on Wednesday 18 January. The judgment...
Substantial Dispute
Benesco Charity Ltd v Kanj & Anor [2011] EWHC 3415 (Ch) CPR55.8 has been the the subject of a surprising amount of appellate interest recently. For those of you not nodding sagely at this point CPR55.8 deals with the Courts obligations at a summary...
Proportionality, Art. 8 and Monk
Chesterfield BC v Bailey is a highly instructive case heard at first instance by Recorder Tilbury in the Derby County Court. We thank Philip Barber of Zenith Chambers for providing us with a transcript of the judgment. The Defence was run by Chesterfield Law...