[Updated 20/12/12. See below] There is a rather odd case note on Lawtel on a High Court appeal of a dismissed defence to possession following an apparently failed succession... Evans v Brent London Borough Council QB (Ramsey J) 18/12/2012 [note of extempore...
I think someone has got a little confused
According to this article, the Residential Landlords Association are up in arms about the European Court of Human Rights being about to rule on article 8 defences in a case affecting private land owners. Richard Jones, the RLA policy director (and a...
ASB and Possession
Birmingham CC v Ashton is a case which illustrates the difficulty that judges face when they are invited to make possession orders on the grounds of nuisance and anti-social behaviour against tenants with mental health problems. The Council relied on four...
Consultations, bills and mysterious advisors
A bit of a miscellany, with Government skullduggery and posturing galore. First up, Grayling's MoJ has announced a consultation into revising the rules on Judicial Review. Broadly, he is against it. Responses are due by 24 January 2013, so a busy holiday for...
The Article 8 Toys Go Back in the Box
Thurrock Borough Council v West [2012] EWCA Civ 1435 The Court of Appeal has handed down judgement in a case that will probably come to characterise the operation of Article 8 in the daily life of the County Courts. Facts W's grandparents (or great...
Withdrawn, dismissed or discontinued – the extent of consent
A case perhaps best filed under the 'Ooops' category, which only took a trip to the Court of Appeal to sort out Spicer & Anor v Tuli & Anor [2012] EWCA Civ 845 Spicer and Shinners were Law of Property Act 1925 receivers, appointed under a charge in...
Proportionality – between claim and hearing
Well, well. A successful proportionality defence on an introductory tenancy and one upheld on appeal. There is also some helpful confirmation about what can be considered in assessing proportionality. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council v Armour (2012) QBD...
More on ECtHR, Article 8 and the Private Sector
Hot on the heels of Buckland v UK follows a further decision of the ECtHR: Pelipenko v Russia, which is likely to add further weight to the Article 8/private sector debate. The case is distinctive for the State's shocking mishandling of the litigation...
Haigh, Squatting is Now Illegal
The Evening Standard is reporting the sentencing of the first person under the new anti-squatting provisions in the LASPO Act. Alex Haigh received 12 weeks in prison. Unfortunately Mr Haigh appeared to be unaware that squatting was now an offence and...
Article 8 and Possession
The ECtHR's recent decision in Buckland v UK [updated link to amended judgment 5 October 2012] demonstrates again how wonderfully delphic the subject of housing and Article 8 rights has become. In one sense, the outcome was fairly predictable because the...
JL and the Second Bite of the Cherry
Our previous report on the possession claim in Defence Estates v JL and another [2009] EWHC 1049 (Admin) can be found here. There now follows a judicial review of the decision to enforce the possession order made in that claim: JL v SS for Defence [2012]...
Trespassers and Article 8
Seek and ye shall find. Thanks to Lindsay Johnson of Doughty Street Chambers we now have a transcript of the decision in Malik v (1) Persons Unknown, (2) Reynolds (3) Matthews (0UB00913, Central London County Court, HHJ Walden-Smith). Mr Malik was the...