Liverpool Mutual Homes v Mensah, County Court at Liverpool. 31 August 2017. (Thanks to Legal Action Housing Repairs Update May 2019 for this case) This is perhaps a rather obvious point, but reminders can never hurt. M was LMH's tenant. Following a disrepair...
Flexible tenancies: the High Court will decide
We have noted before the problem with how you terminate a flexible tenancy (see here) and the arguments about how the law of forfeiture applies. Despite there being several thousand of these tenancies in England, the forfeiture problem has yet to receive...
Cladding and the private sector: a good first step
There have been rumours of this for a while now, but in the last few mins (9.5.19, 8.30am) the government has announced that it will make public funds available to help fund private sector cladding remediation works. The details (such as they are) are here....
Troubles with TLAs – HMOs and EPCs
Home Group Ltd v Henry. County Court at Newcastle. 21 May 2018 For post October 2015 assured shorthold tenancies section 21A means that no s.21 notice may be served when the landlord is in breach of a prescribed requirement. One of those prescribed...
Song from under the floorboards*
Fouladi v Darout Ltd & Ors (2018) EWHC 3501 (Ch) Although the judgment is dated December 2018, this has just appeared - a case on the perennially vexed topic of noise from a flat above. In fact it is an appeal and cross appeal on a county court judgment...
Deposits – Better to give than to receive
Sebastiampillai v Parr. Central London County Court, 11 April 2019 (Our thanks to William Ford of Osbornes for note of this case) Does a change of landlord require provision of fresh prescribed information? How does this operate in view of section 215B...
Wearing different hats
Pandongate House Management Co Ltd v Barton, High Ct (Newcastle District Registry), January 2019 (with thanks to Alice Richardson for a copy of the judgment) Lessee-owned companies are now pretty common. They generally come about in one of three ways. The...
Sectoral Regulation Without Section 21
One of the interesting potential side effects of removing section 21 from the Private Rented Sector is the damage it might do to landlord regulation. Over time s21 has become a backdoor regulatory tool to help ensure landlord compliance. If the notice is...
When an ‘or’ is an ‘and’ in Wales
Evans v Fleri (2019) EW Misc 12 (CC) A lesson in drafting from Wales. The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 provides at Section 7(1) The landlord of a dwelling subject to a domestic tenancy must not do any of the things described in subsection (2) in respect of the...
Prohibition Orders and ending tenancies
T v W. County Court at Central London. 16 April 2019 (Unreported) T was the owner of a property. The property was subject to a prohibition order served by LB Croydon. Nonetheless, T let a dwelling in the property to W. (T denied knowledge of the prohibition...
But, it’s a long, long while…
Ward & Ors, R (on the application of) v The London Borough of Hillingdon & Ors (2019) EWCA Civ 692 Regular readers will remember the judicial reviews of Hillingdon's allocation policy requirement for a 10 year residence period (those without 10 years...
When is a licence a secure tenancy?
Mohamed v London Borough of Barnet (2019) EWHC 1012 (QB) Ms M was placed in temporary accommodation by LB Barnet following a homeless application. Barnet found her to be intentionally homeless but continued to provide accommodation under Children Act 1989....