Sahota v Prior & Anor (2019) EWHC 1418 (Ch) Just a short note, but worth it, because every angel in heaven sings when a 'sale and rent back' set up comes to grief Briefly, Mr & Mrs Prior bought their home 35 years ago. At some point, they got into...
Breach of PSED and consequences for possession
Forward v Aldwyck Housing Group Ltd (2019) EWCA Civ 1334 The Court of Appeal considers the effect of an admitted breach of the Public Sector Equality Duty under s.149 Equality Act 2010 on possession proceedings. Mr F had an assured tenancy from Aldwyck. Soon...
Form 6A section 21 notice update
After this post (and some substantial behind the scenes contacts from others), MHCLG have acknowledged that the amended Form 6A that had been put up on the site should indeed not have been put up. The form 6A has been replaced with the version in the...
Once bitten, twice (or thrice) shy
Moorjani & Ors v Durban Estates Ltd & Anor (2019) EWHC 1229 (TCC) (and also extempore judgment of 30 July 2019, on Lawtel). We have encountered Mr Moorjani before, successfully establishing that in disrepair claims, liability for loss of amenity...
Equality and Homeless Appeals
Adesotu v Lewisham London Borough Council (2019) EWCA Civ 1405 We first saw this case as a county court appeal (our note here) where the central issue was whether Equality Act 2010 issues could be raised and decided within a section 204 Housing Act 1996...
Deja vu all over again
[Update 12 August 2019 - MHCLG have acknowledged that this was an error and have corrected the form 6A on the page, with a note. So that form is OK to use again.] On 8 August 2019, MHCLG published an amended Form 6A section 21 notice on the...
How to rent guides – sneak updates
Many thanks to Rich Greenhill (@RichGreenhill ) for spotting this. The last official update to the MHCLG 'How to Rent' Guide was on 31 May 2019, to take into account the Tenant Fees Act 2019. However, since then, there have been two further changes to the...
Fixed terms that then aren’t
Livewest Homes Ltd v Bamber (2019) EWCA Civ 1174 This was the Court of Appeal hearing of a second appeal on the issue of when six months notice of intention to terminate a tenancy must be given under section 21(1B). We noted the first appeal here. The brief...
Gas Safety and section 21 – late inspections
With grateful thanks to Oliver Fisher Solicitors for information on this case, which contains a fresh twist on the gas safety certificate and validity of section 21 rules that we have previously encountered here and here. Kaur v Griffith, County Court at...
Hypothetical bedrooms
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Hockley & Anor (2019) EWCA Civ 1080 If you can only actually fit one child into a bedroom and you have two children, how many bedrooms should you be allowed under the bedroom tax regulations (Regulation...
Too late to waive
Yildiz v London Borough of Hackney (2019) EWCA Civ 1331 Where a tenant has succeeded to a secure tenancy on the death of the former tenant, and the landlord seeks possession on the basis that the property is under occupied, there are time limits on when and...
Reasonable Expenses and intentional homelessness
Samuels v Birmingham City Council (2019) UKSC 28 The Supreme Court, finally, has delivered its judgment on the issue of the assessment of 'reasonable expenses' when considering the affordability of rent in homelessness decisions. In this case, where Ms...