[Update 13 Jan. The new protocols are out and in force today - Housing Disrepair (England), and Social Landlord Possession Claims ] Be still my beating heart, there will be two new/revised pre-action protocols on 13 January 2020. There will be a revised...
On not being entitled to make decisions, let alone wrong ones
Holding And Management (Solitaire) Ltd v Miller (LANDLORD AND TENANT - SERVICE CHARGES) (2019) UKUT 402 (LC) An Upper Tribunal appeal decision where just about everything that could have been wrong about the first instance First Tier Tribunal decision was....
I wanna be your dog
I was listening to the Stooges this morning, drinking my tea and wondering if I could postpone those DIY tasks for just a little bit longer, when a Twitter post from Robert Jenrick MP (Sec of State for Housing) popped into view. The Minister proudly...
Improper purposes
First, a quick erratum to yesterday's post on upcoming housing law. The post had wrongly stated that the 1 June 2020 Tenant Fees Act changes would mean repaying deposits of over five weeks rent on pre 1 June 2019 tenancies. That is not the case, so long as...
2020 then. The years keep coming, with uncaring relentlessness. Still, putting a brave face on it, I shall combine the roles of soothsayer and almanac for what is likely to be a busy year for housing law. First, the things that we know will happen and when....
Tis the Season…
The new government's Queens Speech confirmed that there will be a Bill that will involve the ending of section 21 'no ground' possession procedure. This is something we've talked about before. It will be complicated, will involve new grounds of possession...
Second homelessness application and new facts
Bukartyk, R (on the application of) v Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council (2019) EWHC 3480 (Admin) A judicial review of a refusal to take a second homeless application which should really be put in the 'Councils, don't do this' list of things that councils...
Property Guardians and Rent Repayment Orders
Oxley v Live in Guardians Limited LON/00BG/HMF/2019/0037 Thanks to Flat Justice (who represented the applicant) for news of this First Tier Tribunal decision. Ms Oxley occupied a room and shared communal space at a property that was formerly industrial...
Private sector discharge and unknown landlords
Teresa Ward v LB Hillingdon. County Court at Central London. HHJ Lamb QC. 11 July 2019 (not reported elsewhere, we've seen the judgment.) The issue in this s.204 Housing Act 1996 appeal was whether the review decision upholding a private rented sector offer...
“General incompetence” – Unlawful eviction and fitness for habitation
Hussein Ali Hadi Albu-Swalin v (1) Regency (UK) Ltd (2) Heartland Property Ltd (2019) County Court at Central London. 19 February 2019 We saw the appeal in this case here. I have since received a transcript of the first instance judgment, which...
Tribunal costs in County Court proceedings
John Romans Park Homes Ltd v Mr Hancock, Mrs Hancock (02 Dec 19, unreported). Our grateful thanks to Amanda Gourlay for her note on this appeal. This matter concerned the Mobile Homes Act 1983, but the point is of far broader application. The case was a...
Property Guardians, vanishing companies and still getting it wrong
Camelot! Camelot! I know it sounds a bit bizarre, But in Camelot, Camelot That's how conditions are. Camelot! Camelot! I know it gives a person pause, But in Camelot, Camelot Those are the legal laws.* You may or may not have heard that one of the largest...