To everything there is a season and housing issues are no exception. While winter brings a flood of disrepair cases, Spring is the time for relationship breakdown. Whether involving partners or spouses, this brings its own housing problems, particularly...
Local housing for local people
Margaret Hodge has decided that this is a good time to say that too much Council housing is going to economic migrants at the expense of local residents. Allocation policies should be rethought to reward 'length of residence, citizenship and national...
Succession in secure tenancies – House of Lords
An eminently sensible House of Lords decision today in Birmingham CC -v- Walker [2007] UKHL 22, maintaining the sensible Court of Appeal decision ([2006] 1 WLR 2641). At issue was whether a transmission or change of a tenancy in one of the forms set out in...
Riverside Housing v White, House of Lords
The Court of Appeal judgment in Riverside suggested that if rent increases hadn't been levied pretty much exactly as per any provision in the tenancy agreement, those increases were invalid. Riverside had levied rent increases later than the date specified...
White v Knowsley – Court of Appeal Judgment
Given today and no surprises. The upshot is that assured tenants and secure tenants are in exactly the same position in regard to suspended possession orders and that s.9 Housing Act 1989 and s.82 Housing Act 1985 have the same effect despite the difference...
Small claims limits unchanged
As regular readers may recall, the limit for disrepair claims to fall into small claims was under review. Proposals were made to raise the current limit of £1000 to £5000. Regular readers will recall that I thought that this was a Bad Thing. According to the...
More on London & Quadrant v Ansell
Musing over the Court of Appeal judgment ([2007] EWCA Civ 236) today, it struck me that the case does something rather dramatic to the issue of tolerated trespassers, extending the thrust of Swindon v Aston [2003] HLR 610. What we knew from Swindon v Aston...
Permanent trespassers and enforceable possession orders.
I was scanning the Court of Appeal judgments, waiting for White v Knowsley, when this came up: London & Quadrant Housing Trust v Ansell [2007] EWCA Civ 326 Now that is interesting. Not so much for the conclusion - although the argument is imaginative -...
Postponed assured trespassers verdict soon(ish).
Knowsley Housing Trust v White on suspended possession orders and assured tenants is being heard on 14 March 2007 in the Court of Appeal. I don't know when the judgement will be given.
Degrees of Homelessness?
Local Authority allocation policy, as it applies to those to whom the Authority has accepted a duty to secure accommodation, is still being thrashed out in the Courts. Birmingham City Council is the latest to have their allocation policy found unlawful in R....
But I hardly know you
Why do people do it? Why do they sign up for joint tenancies with private landlords together with people they have only just met? I'm sure it all seems terribly exciting, but what are you letting yourself in for with your shiny new shorthold assured tenancy?...
Human Rights and possession claims after Kay v Lambeth
The House of Lords decision in Kay v Lambeth [2006] UKHL 10 addressed Human Rights defences to possession claims, attempting to unify Harrow v Qazi [2004] 1 AC and the subsequent European Court judgement in Connors v United Kingdom [2004] 40 EHRR 189. Qazi...