So, Denton v London Borough of Southwark [2007] EWCA Civ 623. This won't take long, as the case rests almost entirely on its own facts. Applicant, a 21 year old male, applied as homeless after being thrown out by his mother. First decision, upheld on review,...
Shala v Birmingham City Council
How did I miss this one in the Court of Appeal lists? I swear it didn't appear in the Bailii list of recent judgments for 27 June 2007. Shala v Birmingham City Council [2007] EWCA Civ 624 This is a very significant decision on Local Authorities' use of...
Gilby v City of Westminster
A Court of Appeal homeless case, Gilby v City of Westminster [2007] EWCA Civ 604 was handed down on 27 June, but I've been a bit slow to note it, partly because I've been busy and partly because, frankly, it is a bit of a meh of a case. Still, it is a Court...
YL v Birmingham City Council and others
I haven't had a chance to look at the judgment in full (YL (by her litigation friend the Official Solicitor) (FC) (Appellant) v. Birmingham City Council and others [2007] UKHL 27), but the House of Lords has today decided 3 to 2 (Lord Bingham and Lady Hale...
Waxed Moustaches
I caught someone from the National Citizens Advice Bureau on BBC Breakfast this morning, commenting on a CAB report on the large number of people in private rented properties in bad condition who are promptly evicted if they complain or do anything about the...
Housing Duty – stating the obvious
For once, Birmingham was on the winning side of an entirely predictable Court of Appeal judgment on homelessness law. Omar -v- Birmingham City Council 2007. (7 June 2007. Times Report. Not yet freely available elsewhere) Birmingham had discharged duty to the...
Trouble with tenses
I'm drafting an application and order for the variation of a suspended possession order and revival of secure tenancy under s.85 Housing Act. If the application is successful, the resulting order will immediately cease to have effect because someone else...
EU citizens and social housing
Head of Legal had an interesting post in response to my post on Hodge's outburst (the ramifications of which rumble on, including the BNP noting gratefully that they win whether the ideas become policy or if they are not carried through. Unfortunately true....
What's mine is yours, unfortunately.
To everything there is a season and housing issues are no exception. While winter brings a flood of disrepair cases, Spring is the time for relationship breakdown. Whether involving partners or spouses, this brings its own housing problems, particularly...
Local housing for local people
Margaret Hodge has decided that this is a good time to say that too much Council housing is going to economic migrants at the expense of local residents. Allocation policies should be rethought to reward 'length of residence, citizenship and national...
Succession in secure tenancies – House of Lords
An eminently sensible House of Lords decision today in Birmingham CC -v- Walker [2007] UKHL 22, maintaining the sensible Court of Appeal decision ([2006] 1 WLR 2641). At issue was whether a transmission or change of a tenancy in one of the forms set out in...
Riverside Housing v White, House of Lords
The Court of Appeal judgment in Riverside suggested that if rent increases hadn't been levied pretty much exactly as per any provision in the tenancy agreement, those increases were invalid. Riverside had levied rent increases later than the date specified...