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Suitability Regs Consultation

DCLG has issued a consultation on suitability of accommodation in satisfaction of the main homelessness duty.  It addresses two issues: the grant of an AST in the private rented sector; and the location of accommodation.  The former is much more interesting...

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Disability and possession

This is a short note of O'Connell v Viridian Housing [2012] EWHC 1389 (QB) - it's short because it goes nowhere really and the facts were not exactly great. Ms O'Connell is partially sighted and suffers from depression. She had occupied supported housing...

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Not smelling of roses

Dobson & Ors v Thames Water Utilities Ltd (No 2) [2011] EWHC 3253 (TCC) This is very late as a post. My excuse is that the judgment runs to well over 200 pages, it is very complex and, frankly, other stuff happened. This has sat as a part finished draft...

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The Unbeatable Litigant in Person*

Birmingham City Council v Richard Lloyd (2012) CA Civ 23 May 2012 (On Lawtel but not on BAILLI) A short note on this hearing as it is a situation which is likely to become far more common. Birmingham Claimant had lost a claim for possession against L. They...

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