As people may well have noticed from the news on TV and in the press, the last Court of Appeal hearing in the drawn out saga of the (unlawful) Essex traveller sites resulted in a defeat for the travellers. Basildon District Council v McCarthy & Ors...
Alam v LB Tower Hamlets[2009] EWHC 44 (Admin) is one of those interesting cases that you get in allocations - well, interesting because a council like LB Tower Hamlets should probably know better than to have an obscure clause in its allocations scheme which...
In passing…
A couple of quick notes from the HLPA meeting this evening. Aweys v Birmingham is listed for the Lords next week (homeless at home and allocation policy differences in priority between homeless at home and those with no accommodation available, as if you...
Homelessness – when unitary authorities aren't.
R (Hassan) v Croydon LBC (Admin Court 13 January 2009. Only reported so far in Arden Chambers eflash 336) was a judicial review on the discretion to secure accommodation pending s.202 review under s.188(3) HA 1996 and whether a potential duty under s.20...
Homelessness collaboration agreement
Out of Leeds comes an interesting story (picked up via Shelter's Roof blog) about an agreement between the Local Authority, two Citizens Advice Bureaux and Shelter's West Yorkshire Advice Service. Leeds City Council has signed an agreement with the CABs and...
Scotland's homelessness advance warning system
News of a change from over the border. From 1st April landlords will have to notify the local authority in a standard form when they raise proceedings for possession. This will give effect to s. 11 of the Homelessness etc (Scotland) Act 2003. Notice can...
Refusing Temporary Accommodation
Once someone is in temporary accommodation, following an acceptance of the full housing duty to a homeless person by the local authority, what happens when that temporary accommodation becomes unreasonable for the household to continue to occupy, but...
Vulnerability and incapacity benefit
Mangion v Lewisham LBC only appears on lawtel as an ex tempore judgment on 11.12.08 so if somebody out there has a transcript/better note of the Court of Appeal's judgment, that would be helpful to understand this decision. What appears to have happened is...
Homeless review, Reg 8(2) and changed facts
Reg 8(2) of the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Review Procedures) Regulations 1999 provides that if a reviewing officer on s.202 review considers: that there is deficiency or irregularity in the original [s.184] decision, or the manner in which it...
Catch-up miscellany
Thanks, as ever, to Jan Luba and Nic Madge in Legal Action for putting out notes on cases, including those that don't make the reports. There were a few of those in December's Legal Action that are worth a mention - of course, all I have to go on is the LA...
Sad News
We are saddened to be told of the untimely death of Bob Lawrence. Some of us knew him, some of us knew of him, but hadn't had the chance to meet him. As many readers of NL will know, Bob Lawrence was a special adviser at the DCLG and a driving force behind...
A Curious Footnote
Mich-Onyibe v Wandsworth LBC (04/11/08, CA, judgment currently unavailable otherwise than by way of e-flash from Arden Chambers) is a kind of a curious footnote to homelessness law. Wandsworth accepted that they owed the full Part VII housing duty to Ms...