Cases yet to be written up are in a growing pile, but frankly it has been too darn hot to have the laptop on my lap for more than half an hour, so they are going to have to wait. Instead, here is a quick note on two recent DLUHC/govt publications on damp and...
What happens after a banning order? The further adventures of Mr Rasool
Mohammed Rasool has featured here quite often, for getting an ASBi against him for illegal eviction, for his role in quite the bizarrest set of cases, in which he sought re-entry after alleged illegal eviction to properties he had no interest in and didn't...
Ombudsman’s decisions and housing conditions claims
I'm going to break one of our rules (well, more of a guideline really) and comment on a case in which I had a role. I supervised the case, in which one of my colleagues acted for the claimant. It is also a report on a settled County Court claim, so not...
Awaab Ishak – Coroner’s ruling and Reg 28 Report to Prevent Future Deaths
We now have the Coroner's Findings and Conclusion for the inquest into the death of Awaab Ishak, and also the Regulation 28 Report for the purpose of preventing future deaths. (My previous post on the death of Awaab Ishak is here. It was written quickly and...
An Avoidable Death
"Every death was avoidable" said Richard Millett KC at the closing submission to the Grenfell Inquiry. Now we know from the inquest verdict into the death of two year old Awaab Ishak's that this death was also thoroughly avoidable,and we know the catalogue...
Plus ca change
One day, at some stage before I retire from blogging, I would like to write a good news story about the regulation of the private rented sector in England. But today is not that day. For I have spent the afternoon reading "Regulation of Private Renting" by...
EPA prosecution costs
Parker, R (On the Application Of) v Bashir & Anor (2022) EWHC 358 (Admin) A judicial review of a Magistrates Court decision on costs in a section 82 Environmental Protection Act 1990 prosecution. The prosecution had been brought in respect of a fallen...
Between repairs and structural defects
City of London v Various Leaseholders of Great Arthur House (2021) EWCA Civ 431 This was the Court of Appeal judgment on an appeal from the Upper Tribunal (our report here) where the issue was whether the leaseholders were liable under their service charge...
Lost on (civil) penalties: Sutton v Norwich in the Court of Appeal
Sutton v Norwich (2021) EWCA Civ 20, on appeal from the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) (2020) UKUT 0090 (LC), 20th March 2020. Underhill (VP Court of Appeal, Civil) LJ; Moylan and Newey LLJ; In this case, the Court of Appeal considered the civil penalties...
Notes for noting
Several quick things. The Court of Appeal is to hand down judgment in Arkin v Marshall at 1.30 pm on Monday (11 May). This is the appeal of the decision that the Practice Direction 51Z general 90 day stay on part 55 possession proceedings cannot be lifted,...
Notes from the sofa
I'm slightly late to noting this (in my defence, there have been other things going on), but there is a new Claim form N5B for accelerated possession proceedings, which was released on 6 April 2020. It contains substantial revisions to the questions to be...
Sound insulation and fitness for habitation – Scotland
We don't usually run Scottish case law. It is, after all, a whole separate legal system, and one in which none of us are qualified. It is also, going by the language of the judgments, utterly splendid - after all, who doesn't fancy a judgment that repeals...